Kamijou Touma

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I don't own ACMI or Teen Titans

Ari groaned and rolled over. She was in a hotel room, on a hotel bed. Natsu and his cat were on the other. Why were they sharing a room, you ask? Well, after Natsu and Happy's incident at the restraunt, Ari didn't have enough money for two rooms, or a plane ticket. So, she was waiting for Slade to come through on his part, which he said he would do.

She groggily opened her eyes and got out of bed, yawning. She walked to the bathroom to change her clothes. She knew Natsu wouldn't try to watch her. (Last time he tried, she turned into Gravattack and slammed him on the cieling).She got out of her pajamas-a black skull nightgown- and put on a black mini skirt (Imagine the Tokiwadai skirt, only black) with a purple T-shirt that had a picture of a white skull on the front.(Note; Remember, she can turn into Gravattack the DRAGON. Not the totally awesome alien)

Ari brushed her tail out until it was tangle free. She put her hair in low pigtails, tying them with black hairbands. She brushed her teeth, and put on calf-high socks.

Her communicator rang, and she picked it up. "Hello?" she said to Slade.

"Ari," he answered. "I have some sort of plan to get you back to America."

"And what would that be?"

"There's a Level 0-"

"Wait, wait." she broke in. "How's a Level 0 supposed to help us?"

"He's like you, Ari." he explained. "His ability is niether science or magic."

Ari rubbed her forehead. "But how does he help us?" she repeated.

"He''s harboring the Index Librorum Prohibitorum."

Ari was confused. "The what now?"

Slade sighed. "She's a magician with a photographic memory."

"Again, how does this help us?"

"I don't know."

Ari groaned. "Well, that's reassuring!" she said sarcasticly.

"Listen, Ari." he snapped. "I don't know how, but she helps us somehow. I saw it in a vision."

"Fine." She grumbled. "I'll find her. Or him."

"Good. The Level 0's name is Kamijou Touma."


She walked out to see Natsu sitting up and watching anime, a frown on his face. "This is confusing." he said. Ari shrugged.

"Just turn the english subtit- I'll do it." she added at Natsu's bewildered face. She crouched and turned the subtitles on the TV. She looked up  to see Natsu was looking out the window. He frowned. 

"I'm hungry!" he complained. Ari rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, Natsu!" she groaned. "Your older than me, act your age!" Natsu shrugged.

"And I can't call roomsevice," she added. "Someone spent all the money!" she glared at Natsu and Happy. They chuckled nervously.

Ari walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a poptart. She turned to the boys, who were drooling. "Here, eat this." she said, throwing it to Natsu. He caught it, and started to take a bite.

"No, no, no!" she snapped. "Take off the wrapper." Natsu blinked, and pulled off the silver stuff. 

"Oh!' he said as he bit into the food part. Ari laughed and rolled her eyes.

A Certain Powerful Teen Titan Book One; Dawn of the Dead (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now