Gas Stations and Gekota

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I don't own A Certain Magical Index or Teen Titans

Mikoto was on the back of the R-Cycle again. Her hair was whipping through the warm night air. She had on her helmet, and so did Robin. Speaking of the Boy Wonder, he was leaned over, head butting the wind, leaving Mikoto unable to hold on to him. So she was holding on to the rails on the back (She didn't know much about motorcycles)

Robin's communicator gave a little beep. He picked it up, diverting his attention to the road. She nudged his back with her knee. "Robin, the road!" she hissed. Robin ignored her. She nudged him again, scared to hit him any harder in case he fell off. "Robin, don't te- use the communicator and drive!" she said.

He looked back at her, then turned into an abandoned Gas Station parking lot. He pressed the brakes just as Starfire answered. "Robin, it seems we have gotten a little of the 'trouble.'" she said slowly. Robin narrowed his eyes.

"What kind of trouble?" he asked. Starfire was silent for a moment, in what Mikoto could only guess was a nervous pause.

"Raven's leg got broke by Johnny Rancid." she said.

Robin was about to answer, when the Gas Station exploded. Yes, it exploded. Completely demolished, without warning. Robin's head shot up, and he snapped his communicator shut without so much as a good bye.

A skinny golden-haired boy walked out from the smoking rubble with a psychotic smile on his face. "Ah, such fun! Don't you just love a good explosion?"

Robin lot out his staff as he got off the R-Cycle. Mikoto did the same, but sparks flew from her bangs. Robin assumed a threatening pose. "Who are you?" he demanded. The boy laughed sadistically.

"Who am I?! I AM THE DAYDEAMER!!! AND I SAY, LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!!" He closed his eyes, and an abandoned car came hurtling at Robin and Mikoto. Robin grabbed Mikoto and jumped out of the way.

Daydreamer laughed again. "THAT'S RIGHT!!!" he outstretched his hand, pointed his finger at them, and a blast of blue lightning-like bolt shot out at Robin. The Boy Wonder collapsed, holding his throat, making choking sounds. Mikoto looked at him in shock, then turned back to Daydreamer, sparks flying from her bangs.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" she screeched. Daydreamer grinned again.

"Simple! I increased the air pressure around his throat! So the air pressure is uneven, so there is pressure on his throat!" He laughed psychotically. "Such fun!"

Mikoto glared at him, then pointed her finger at the boy. A bolt of electricity sot from her arm, and hit Daydreamer in the chest, knocking him to the ground. But he got up, laughing as electricity sparked around his body. Mikoto's eyes widened. "H-how did you do that? That should of stunned you, at the least!"

"Again, simple!" he laughed. "I mutated the molecules in the electricity right before it hit me, into a spark much less dangerous!"  Mikoto was sick.

"What kind of esper are you?" she asked. Daydreamer's eyes gleamed. "I can mutate particles in anything, rearranging them into whatever I please!" he said. Then he put a finger to his lips. "But don't tell." he whispered.

Mikoto looked down at Robin, who by this point was on his back, heaving for air. She looked back at Daydreamer. "STOP IT!" she screamed.  Daydreamer laughed, and she realized he intended to kill both of them. She got out an arcade coin, and Daydreamer laughed, again.

"What are you going to do?" he taunted. "Flip the coin? Heads or tails?"

Mikoto said nothing. She flipped the coin, creating electricity from her hand as she did so. The coin shot forward at three times the speed of sound, to fast for Daydreamer to change it. It hit him square in the chest, and he groaned as he was shot back into a building in the distance. As he did so, his concentration on Robin broke, and the hero gasped for air he desperately needed. As air filled his aching lungs, he shakily got to his feet.

A Certain Powerful Teen Titan Book One; Dawn of the Dead (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now