Part 3- Wait, what?!

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Levy's POV

After that, um, awkward moment with Gajeel I decided to take a walk back to Fairy Hills. I looked at the box Gajeel had opened for me, it was really hard to open for me but he just opened it within seconds! He must work out a lot more than I... Never mind.

"Levy? Where've you been?" I turned to see Jet and Droy chasing after me. "We've been looking all over for you!"

"Hey guys! I've just been to see Gajeel."

"Him? The same guy who-"

"Yeah, him. So what's up?"

"Hm? Oh yeah that's right!" Jet grabbed my hand, "master Makarov needs you now!"


"Levy? Where did you get your gifts for Lucy and Juvia?" Master Makarov looked grim. He wasn't giggling, or smiling or even looking happy in general.

"What about ME?!" Happy was green with pink polka dots all over his body. "I feel like I'm going to ..." Suddenly, he stopped and grabbed one of Cana's empty beer barrels.

"HEY HAPPY THAT'S-" Cana started before a horrible sound came from Happy's direction. "You can keep it. I don't need that anymore."

"Oh, I got them from a stall which was on during the markets. Why? Is it causing them to be ill?"

"Well, Lucy hasn't waken up yet after reading the book and Juvia can't use her magic. You see what happened to Happy."

"Remember Master that Happy ate his gift. And it said not to eat it, it was a book mark anyway!" Mira-Jane said from behind the bar.

"Ah, okay." Master Makarov looked a bit embarrassed. "I knew that. Completely knew that."

"What should I do Master?"

Master Makarov explained to me that I had to go back and find the stall from the market.

"If I'm right, I would think that there never are any markets in Bookzira." (Yes I made up the place name because I have a limited imagination).

"Oh my gosh! Did I go to a... Black market?!" The truth hit me. Bookzira never has any sort of festival! They're just a quiet book-loving town, with one seriously bizarre black market! "Why didn't I get attacked?"

"Maybe because they wanted you to buy the books. Did you get anything else?"

"I got books for almost everyone but I-!" Gajeel. He was working on opening that metal book! "Do you think a weird metal book could be dangerous?"

"Listen to what you've just said." Cana sighed, gulping down her 18th barrel of beer. "Weird doesn't sound safe to me."

"Gajeel could be opening his gift now! We have to stop him!" Before anyone could stop me, I fled the guild hall and ignored every other thing around me.


I'm going to be nice and give you an longer chapter than usual because I've not been as active!!


Gajeels POV

"You should've gone with Levy."

"I couldn't..."

"You could've."

"I couldn't have!"

Pantherlily sighed. Then he jumped off of his seat and crawled under the sofa.

"What're you doing?"

"Here. I hid the key so you could try and socialise more with Levy." Damn. Even my cat is trying to get me and Levy together, is salamander and his exceed trying to get everyone to think this way?!

"No, I'm not working with Natsu and Happy. I honestly like you and Levy."

"Only 'cause she gives you treats."

"...maybe. But I know you like her."

"Why'd you say that?" I wasn't particularly scared, I was just curious.

"The other night, I woke up and went to get some water when I heard from your room, and I quote, 'Please Levy, read me one more chapter. Your voice is so soothing.'"

"You heard nothing." Suddenly, shrimp came through the door looking flustered.


"Wait, what?!" The metal book on the table suddenly started moving. My mouth hit the floor, it was attracted to the key in Pantherlily's hand. The key must've been as well because it rose in the air and flew straight into the lock. Without anyone turning it, the key moved and unlocked the book.

"Slowly, move away." Levy's voice was so calming. I grabbed Pantherlily and started to back away. However, Pantherlily jumped out of my hands and reached out towards the metal book.

"Lily? What are you doing?! Get here now!" I tried to stay calm but I could hear my voice wavering.

"I know this magic... It's from Edolas..." Lily murmured more things about Edolas, and then finally he grasped the book. "Gajeel, Levy. Thank you for bringing this to me."

"Hey, Levy gave it to us both right?" Levy looked down at the floor. Was it only meant for me? Not us both?

"Fool. I don't mean the book. I mean the Exceed."

"Hang on a sec , Lily you've always been an Exceed!"

"Gajeel, the book. I think I know what it contained..." I turned to see Levy backing away from the scene. "Oh my God I am so, so, so sorry... I'm so dumb."

"Shrimp? Lily what's goin' on!?"

"My name is not 'Lily' or 'Pantherlily'. My name is Maxiean, and-" 'Maxiean or whatever-his-face-is, grew to Lily's bigger size and turned to give Levy and I a menacing look. "I plan on destroying every single good guild out there. Starting with Fairy Tail."

"G-Gajeel..." Levy started shaking. "I'm so sorry." I took a step back and put my arm out in front of her.

"I won't let you get hurt, okay?"



I hope you liked this chapter!!! And I think the title of it suits the events! If you are confused comment and I'll explain what happened.

If you want any input on anything just comment! Also please can you try to name as many Exceeds as possible? They may or may not be vital to this story. Not promising anything. If you do that for me you get to see loads of smiley faces next chapter. Like this one :):):):):):):):) or :))))

It's 10pm here and I'm tired.

So I'm gonna sleep.

Next chapter should be up in a week maybe. Or tomorrow. Or soon.

Byeeee!! x

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