Part 8 - Blood Rose

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If you like this story, if you don't mind could you please check out my other GaLe story? It's based in high school, and I like the plot so I hope to write the two stories at the same time!


Gajeels POV

Levy collapsed in my arms; I thought she was dead at first, till I felt her breathe in quickly.


"Huh? Levy?"

"LEVY!" Jet and Droy ran towards me. "Get off of her Gajeel!"

"Gajeel? You should let Levy go." The rest of the guild looked at me expectantly.

"No way! She could die! I don't want her to die , not today!"

"Well if you keep suffocating her she will die." Erza practically threw me across the room and picked up Levy. "You were holding her so tight I noticed that her chest was looking like it was about to collapse."

"Gah!" Levy started coughing wildly.

"LEVY!" Jet and Droy walked beside Erza whilst she took Levy to her room in Fairy Hills.

"Why wasn't there a huge surge if evil power within Levy?" Flame Head and Ice Boy wondered aloud.

I wishi didn't say what i said.

"Maybe because she's weak. There was no power to control."

Everybody looked at me in disgust.

"How can you say that?!" Lucy pushed past a couple of members and punched me in the face. But before she had time to reach my nose, scales appeared on my face preventing any damage to come to me.

"Think about it. He was talking about power, wasn't he?" Mira-Jane nodded.

"Exactly! He was aiming for me, and because Levy pushed me away, he could be confused and pushing Levy past her limit!"

More people started to mumble, some nodded their heads.

"How can you all say such a thing?!" Lucy was crying. "Levy's our friend! Our teammate! And you're all calling her weak! You're all pathetic. Saying such things."

With that she ran out of the guild hall in pursuit of Levy.


Natsu's POV (odd I know)

"LUCY!" I ran after her. I understood how she felt, but what Gajeel and Mira said had a weird, but understandable, sense of logic to it.

"What Natsu?" Lucy turned to face me. "Surely you don't think that Levy's some weakling who everyone just thinks they have to protect!"

"Look, I'm not judging her or anything-"

"But you are." She gave me a cold glare. "Right now Levy is fighting for her life. By calling her weak, all you're doing is doubting that she's going to survive."

"I never meant anything like that! And she's not so weak so that she can't defend herself! I know someone who I thought was weak at first, but then she turned out to be a pretty strong wizard!"

"Who? Who could you think was so weak?"

"Well." I scratched my head.

"Go on. Say it."

"At first I thought you were weak. You didn't have as much experience as most other celestial spirit mages and-"

"Oh, so you thought i was weak?!"

"Yes! No! I mean...!"

"Forget it Natsu, I'm going to check on Levy." She started walking away. "Like a nice, kind, good friend would." She exaggerated the word 'friend'.

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