Part 9 - Cutest Moment Yet?

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Gajeel's POV

I didn't want Levy going alone. She meant too much to me. Even if this guild hunted down dragon slayers, how come I've never heard of them? Probably it's because they never get chance to kill them. They're probably a bunch of weaklings. Like twigs. I could snap them like twigs.



"You zoned out for a moment. You are you're okay?"

"Yeah! Anyway let's get a move on, you've only got another..."

"15 hours, I know." She stopped and put her hand to her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Maxiean just told me that he feels my magic getting weaker by him just being there."

"What's going to happen?"

"Two things are possible. Either that he's going to have to take over me..."


"Or I'm going to faint in 10 seconds."

"Hope it's neither."

"Hey Gajeel?"

"What is it Shrimp?"

"You've really nice eyes." Then Levy's knees buckled and she fell forwards. I quickly knelt down so her head landed on my shoulder.


"Mmmm....." She started to breathe slower, then I knew she was asleep.

It'll take us ages to get there on foot. How are we supposed to get there in time?

"I may be able to help you."

"Who's there?"

"It's me you idiot."

Levy looked up at me and pushed me away. She looked fine, aside from the fact that her skin was white and her eyes were pitch black.


"Technically, no. I'm Maxiean. The one who's trapped in this weakling."

"Wait, did you say trapped?"

"Yes. Trapped."

"Levy said..."

"I told the girl that I was trapped and that she had to do as I said. But that's not the case."

"So, what is the case?"

"After I'd taken over the Exceed and the Take Over wizard, I suddenly found myself weak. I was aiming for you thinking that if I took over someone else I could stand a chance, but then Miss McGarden pushed you away and so I took over her. I must've used too much power, and I caused her to go a bit insane."

"Wait, you caused Levy that much pain, because you were out of options?! And what's this for exactly?!"

"I saved her in the end. And I found something which you should know."

"What did you find? When will you get out of her?"

"I found, that she has a huge crush on you, Gajeel. Or should I call you, Gajeely? It's what she calls you in her mind."

"Eh.... Ah, um."

"What's the matter? Exceed got you tongue? Anyway, enough of the chit chat, I'm bored. Let's get moving." Levy/Maxiean grabbed my hand. "I don't know if her body will manage this much power, but I can use my magic to transport us to Blood Rose."

"Why're you being so kind?"

"Because Gajeel," suddenly I saw it. One eye was still pitch black. But one was Levy's usual hazel. "Maxiean and I can understand each other much better now, so I can be in control again."

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