Part 7- Maxiean's Mind

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Okay, so just to clear something from the last chapter... I KIND OF FORGOT TO MENTION THAT LEVY AND GAJEEL WENT TO THE GUILD AFTER HAPPY TOLD THEM THAT LILY WAS LOOKING FOR THEM. Okay, sorry. It annoys me when I forget to correct something and I'm freaking out afterwards. Now I can sleep at night! :)
And I'm writing a NaLu story which explains what Natsu and Lucy are up to in the previous chapters and the chapters to come...
Anyway, lets start!!! Oh and sorry for the cliffhanger!!
Gajeel's POV

I followed to where Levy and the others were looking to see Lily holding the book, but his eyes were pitch black.
"Pantherlily!' I stood up and rushed towards him, i stopped when I realised that it was actually Maxiean. "Get out of my Exceed Maxiean."
"Hah, how will you be able to do that?"
"Hm? Gajeel? What's goin' on?" Natsu was walking towards me followed by Lucy.
"Lily? Are you okay?"
"What's going on?!" Ezra and Gray stormed through the guild to stand in front of Lily.
"So much power..." Lily murmured. "Most powerful one here... No, the easiest..." he scanned the room and grinned when he saw Mira. Then he darted forwards and placed the book in her hands.
"Huh?! Pantherlily what's going on?" Mira squealed as she tried to throw the book away. "It won't come out of my hands!"
"This body has no more power to use up," Maxiean started muttering some sort of spell whilst Mira-Jane struggled with the book.
"HEY GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Elfman ran towards Maxiean but was wafted away by Mira. "Sis?"
Mira-Jane was surrounded by a pillar of darkness, then finally she emerged. She was in her full demon takeover and had pitch black eyes.
"Hee hee!" suddenly, she started attacking everyone in the guild hall. "So much power!"
"MAXIEAN! Stop!" Mira stopped and faced Levy.
"Levy! Get out of here!" I motioned for Levy to run, but she stayed put.
"Maxiean, we can help you out. Stop attacking everyone. Please."
"Levy..." Wait, that didn't sound like how Maxiean sounded in Mira-Jane's body... That was Mira-Jane! "AGHH!" Mira fell to the floor and started hitting herself.
"Get out of me you vile monster!"
"Mira!" Lisanna and Elfman ran towards their sister, "we'll help you!"
"Gajeel!" Levy ran up to me. "Maxiean, I've remembered something I read a long time ago."
"What is it?"
"There was a backup off switch the guild made if he was ever released. It's host just had to go into Maxiean's mind. I think it was his mind, or his spell. I'm not too sure."
"Great! How does the host do that?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure that the host has to make precautions beforehand."
"Like what?"
"Like-" Levy's eyes widened. She pushed me to the side and screamed. By the time I'd stood up, a pillar of darkness was in front of me where Levy was moments ago.
"I can't have anyone knowing how to switch me off now, and I'm in luck." Levy's voice was deeper and raspy. "This pipsqueak is the only one here with the appropriate knowledge, and she had no time to prepare."
"Levy's no pipsqueak!" My fist clenched and I was just about to hit Maxiean's stupid face when I realised... Maxiean's stupid face, was Levy's beautiful face. That (enter bad name here because I have no imagination).
"Just as I thought. A weakling won't be so weak to use against you all." Maxiean/Levy paced around the guild. "You see, i was monitoring you all whilst in their bodies." Maxiean/Levy gestured to Lily and Mira.
"Against powerful members, you had no problem fighting them. But against someone like Miss McGarden here.. Hoho! You wouldn't lay a finger on her!"
"She's our friend!" Lucy yelled.
"Yet so are they. Mira and Pantherlily are much stronger than Miss McGarden and their tolerance to taking damage is much higher that Miss McGarden's." Maxiean/Levy laughed. "So, if you all don't do as I say, I will use my combined powers with Miss McGarden's to destroy some of you and..." He smiled then spoke in Levy's voice, "I'll make sure that Levy dies with them too!"
I'm so sorry. This is so unoriginal. I give you permission to say how awful this chapter is! It's Sunday so I'm tired, :|
Levy's POV
I was drifting in darkness... Darkness, which although there was no light, felt surprisingly warm.
"Gajeel?" I got no reply.
"Levy McGarden, solid-script magic user," a cold voice rang out in my ears. "Within the next 24 hours, your body shall be mine, and your soul shall disappear."
"Huh? Is this?"
"I am Maxiean. And you, Miss McGarden, are going to become my new host."
"My arms, and legs, I can't move them!" I tried opening my eyes but my body wouldn't respond. The darkness in was floating in made me feel really sleepy. "What are you doing?! Why can't I move my body?"
"It's only natural that I have control when your body is my new host." I could hear Maxiean chuckle, but when i did, it came from inside my head. "I'm a part of you now, Miss McGarden."
Suddenly, I felt a surge of power run through me, it was like my own but there was something else in it... Something much stronger.
"Why me? You had Mira-Jane, you could've had anyone else in the guild... Anyone else." After I'd said it, I realised how selfish I sounded. Wanting the spell to enter another person who had no idea how to deal with it. I sounded just like a brat.
"You know how to 'switch me off', don't you? You know how, so I'm making sure that you never tell anyone."
"But still, you could've taken over someone else; like Gajeel or Natsu." This didn't sound like me, I was scared... But I'd never tell something evil how to destroy the guild. Not that easily. Never, in fact. "You're prying information from me, aren't you?"
"Clever. Do you know Miss McGarden, if your friends are fighting me? Or obeying me?"
"What? What the heck does that mean?!"
"You're weak. And they know." The words hit me like bullets.
"But... They know I've been training..."
"If you want, I'll let you take control of your body again... I'd even leave your precious guild building alone... If you accept me and allow me to make your powers stronger." This seemed too good to be true.
"I feel like there's more to it than that... What else do you want?"
"Help me track down the guild who made me, and deliver me to them."
"So I can do what needed to be done years ago."
He couldn't have been talking about destroying himself, Maxiean used hosts to stay alive... There was something else to it... Wait.
"But you said in 24 hours my soul will disappear! It'd take me a couple of days to find that guild!" I felt Maxiean's chuckle in my head.
"With our combined power, it would take less time than with a normal person. My power is dark magic, but i was given wisdom. I know how to get there, I just need a willing host to take me there." Suddenly, I felt my legs buckle. "And if you don't find them in time, I'll use our powers to kill your friends.... And Gajeel."
Before uncoils say anything else, I lost consciousness and warm arms wrap around me.
I don't know how long this chapter is so I'm sorry!!! I'm writing this on my iPod, because my laptops somewhere else. But this makes so many TYPOS. Typos are my mortal enemy...
Anyway, please leave a comment of your favourite moment!! And I give you permission to tell me how bad this chapter is!

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