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i was finally done with running around and trying to get rid of ady who was now laying somewhere in the mansion sleeping out of tiredness. i was walking towards the kitchen with the kittens. «let's get you two some food, shall we?~» i said as i smiled at them, they were still suspicious of me knowing their names, but they were warming up. which was a good sign.

«FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!» i shouted as i opened the fidge, to be met by.

nothing. «ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!! WKBNWENQKJHBWKHQKBHWKHQNQHKBNDKQHNKAHNKQ!» (imagine the worst curse words over and over again till the sentence ends XD) the kittens sweatdropped at me, «whaaaat???? i can't help it! i love food! and food loves me!» i said as i became a chibi and danced around with a background of different foods. "where the hell did THAT come from?" pein and konan thought as everything then turned normal. «AAAAAAAAANYWAY, since i couldn't find some food in THIS fridge......HHHHHHHHM WAIT I GOT IT.»

i then ran through the door of the kitchen and a second later came back with a stick in my hands, «ABRA KA DABRA!!!» i said as i swung the stick around like a wizard. "TF?" the kittens were now highly concerned about my sanity. i opened the door to find....


«MAN BALLS. WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?!!» i yelled in frustration as i threw the stick at the now closed fridge door. as soon as it hit the fridge a poof was heard from inside. «huh??????» the kittens and i looked at the fridge with curiosity, i slowly crept closer and opened the door.  and opened it to find.....


«HELL YEAH THAT IS WHAT THE FUCK I'M FUCKING TALKING ABOUT!» i shouted throwing food everywhere, only to get a flower pot smashed on my head. «DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO FUCKING CURSE IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING FACE!!» una shouted. «b-but you also curse!~» i whined. she sighed and looked at all the food around the kitchen. 

(play vid >>>:3)


«... what mess????»

«WHAT MESS?!!!» she spread her arms.


«;-; bitch please i didn-» «WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CUSSING!!!!» i groaned and grabbed the 2 ton fridge and the kittens and walked out of the kitchen with a pout. «FIIIIIIIIIINE.... biatch» a second later i heard a herd of elephants running my way.

and at that moment char knew.

she fucked up.

«OH SHI-!»

akatsuki kittens! and that one group of goofballs.Where stories live. Discover now