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it's been a while.



i rolled sideway's until i felt myself fall and loud banging was heard. and i knew i succesfully woke everyone up.


well i just did my morning ritual of rolling down the stairs in a metal trashcan with me in it wrapped up in blankets, oh yeah, it is a wooden staircase, so it ummmm....

make's quite the sound if i say so myself.

«GODDAMMIT CHAR WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ITS FUCKIN-» ady didn't even finish his poor sentence as he was bombarded with a plant pot to the head. that gotta hurt~ i smirked as i rolled once again out of the trashcan *COUGH* MY HOME *COUGH* and i came face to face with a black kitten with red curious eyes as to what the hell i just did and didn't die yet.

i did a staring contest with the kitten until i heard elephant feet rush down the stairs. and i knew it was my damn time to MOVEEEE OUTA THA WAYYYYYYY

faster than the kitten could comprehend i picked it up and DABBBEEEDDDD my way outa there.

«CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!! YOU BETTER HAVE A FUCKING-cue pot hitting head-GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS FREAKING-pot=head-LOUDNESS IN THE EARLY MORNING!!!!» ady shouted as he raced after me, having a blue kitten in his hand. oh yeah, that was BOB!

i looked at weasel and my stomach decided to make itself known by rumbling so goddamn loud the entire house shook so hard manix fell through the fucking sealing in his bed. with eyecovers still over his eyes he sat up and used one hand to move his eye-thingie up to look at me. he had barbie on his head who looked ready to die right then and there.

«BUEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA I GOT YOU NOW NYEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!» i heard ady shout from behind as i threw my fucking brakes out like there was no tomorrow, which there would be none if i even so scratched him in the early mornings. i then dolphin dived through the hole to get to the second floor into marnix's room. ady on the other hand smashed face first into marnix.

«ohohoh~ you like it rough?~»

«OH GOD NO PLEASE-mhmhmh!-»

to be honest i didn't even wanna know what ady was choking on.

like.... legit.


but weasel looked right about done with everyone and everything too so i decided to leave marnix's room and yeet myself to the kitchen to get some food for him and me.

and after stuffing my face full with ungodly amounts of sugar and giving weasel his well-deserved tuna, i sat on the floor staring at the weird kitten in front of me who kept on stuffing his face in the tuna but barely took food.

almost like the bish from my class who kept stuffing food in her mouth but it kept falling out of her mouth.

like bish c'mon.

just stuff it in your mouth


and chew.


so out of sheer annoyance.

i put my hand on weasel's head, and stuffed his face in the tuna.

«you better start eating better than this, i ain't letting no tuna go to waste nu-huh not today.»

that was.





akatsuki kittens! and that one group of goofballs.Where stories live. Discover now