Part 3

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Lisa nearly choked on her wine as she realized her mystery girl was planning on leaving. Her former fear of pushing through the crowd suddenly fell to the wayside. She jumped up from the table and weaved through people and bodies towards the leather jacket clad woman who was currently escaping out the door. Breathlessly, she slid in front of her, her forehead nearly bumping into her chin as she was easily a solid four inches shorter.

"You're leaving?" she heard herself blurt out.

"Yeah," she replied with a chuckle.

"But you bought me a drink," Lisa pointed out as if it weren't obvious, "And now you're leaving?"

"I kind of just assumed that was our thing," the blond stated with a raised eyebrow, "Plus there is this uppity lookin' wine drinker at my table."

"Your table?" she said, putting two and two together, "Right. Jason sent me there."

"I figured," she replied, nodding, "So are you gonna invite me to sit down or...?"

"Are you sure you want to be seen with the uppity looking wine drinker?" Lisa joked.

"I definitely want to be seen with her." Lisa felt the blush creep into her cheeks as she turned back towards the table. She moved through the crowd much more carefully than she had when she came in that direction. She could feel the singer's presence behind her as she walked. When they arrived at the table they sat in a moment of surprisingly comfortable silence, just observing each other.

"Hi," Lisa finally broke the silence.

"Hey," she greeted in return, "I'm Kenny." Lisa's eyebrows shot straight up. So Josh hadn't misled her. She had only mistakenly assumed Kenny was a man.

"I'm Lisa," she introduced herself, "You're really great." Kenny snorted a laugh out of her nose, causing Lisa to quickly add, "Singer! Singer. You're a really great singer."

"Thank you," Kenny replied, "What brings you to The Top?"

"Jason actually," Lisa said, "He bartends at a restaurant I frequent." Making an attempt at playful charm, she tried to appear as if she hadn't even remembered seeing Kenny there.

"Oh does he?" Kenny said, clearly acting surprised, "Where's that? Maybe I know the place."

"Dalton's." she shared.

"What a coincidence. I do know that restaurant," Kenny stated, keeping up the charade, "I actually got fired from there recently."

"No," Lisa said in mock astonishment, "Why?"

"A beautiful woman walked in one night and I just couldn't control myself," she answered, "I had to sing her a song. Some stuffy old jackass didn't like it. He was probably just jealous she didn't buy him a drink."

"I heard it was because you liked to sing about getting women naked," Lisa retorted.

"That could have something to do with it," Kenny agreed, "I hated that job anyways. Everyone there is so_."

"Stuck up," Lisa finished her sentence.

"Exactly," she replied. Dropping the charade of never seeing her there, Kenny continued, "Why do you go there?"

"Some of my materialistically inclined clients like it, so I accommodate them," she answered.

"Clients?" Kenny asked.

"I'm a divorce lawyer," Lisa shared.

"A lawyer huh?" she repeated, "Well I guess I know who is picking up the tab. I better get another drink."

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