Part 5

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Lisa pushed her way into The Top with much more ease than she had her first visit. There was no music playing yet, indicating that she wasn't late. She spotted Jason at Kenny's table. He was clearly waiting for her, and waved her over as soon as he caught her eye.

"Well hello beautiful," he greeted, patting the seat next to him, "Josh is probably going to try and join us, please don't give him an excuse to sit next to me."

"You don't like him?" Lisa asked.

"No he's great," he replied, "He's just very persistent. Won't take no for an answer."

"That seems to be a running theme here," she said.

"Oh, you mean Heather," Jason confirmed, nodding towards the brunette waitress who was bussing the tables in the opposite corner of the bar. "She'll get over it."

"You're not bartending tonight?"

"No just every other weekend."

"It didn't even cross my mind that you might have a day job," Lisa admitted.

"Yes. I'm that crazy guy who's so determined to do what I love I'll work three jobs to do it," Jason replied.

"I don't see that as crazy," Lisa argued, "I see it as driven."

"Well thank you," Jason replied, "Oh here comes Josh."

"Hey you're back," he said to Lisa as he took the seat across from them.

"Yeah personally invited by our Kenny," Jason shared on her behalf.

"Oh!" Josh exclaimed, "I see!" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Dude I don't think it's like that," Jason stated, "They went on an actual date."

"Well I don't know how actual it was," Lisa said, "We haven't even exchanged numbers yet or talked about another date. She hadn't even really invited me here. She mentioned it once and I just went with it."

"So how did the maybe date go?" Jason inquired.

Lisa recounted her evening with Kenny, starting at the park. They had stayed until the guitarist was finished and then moved on to a bar down the street. Conversation had flown between them easily. Before they knew it, it was midnight. She hadn't wanted to, but Lisa was forced to end their date. She had a seven o'clock meeting in the morning that she couldn't miss. Kenny had walked her to her car at the end of the evening, her usual casual indifference on her face as she said goodbye and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Lisa had said, grabbing her by the arm, "Is there something you want to give me?" She tried to put on her best suggestive tone.

"Is there something you want from me?" she replied, crooked knee-weakening grin in place. Lisa rolled her eyes as she stepped in to claim her goodbye kiss. This one was different than the previous kisses they had shared. It was less rushed and more about staying in this moment, as opposed to hurrying to the next one.

"She kissed you goodnight?" Jason interrupted her reminiscing.

"That's it?" Josh asked.

"What do you mean is that it?" Lisa responded, immediately anxious at the appearance his skepticism.

"It just doesn't sound like her," he clarified, "To just end things at a kiss."

"Do you think that's a bad sign?" Lisa asked.

"I think it's a good sign," Jason stated his opinion, "Her willingness to slow things down makes it seem like this means something to her."

"Or nothing at all," Josh argued.

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