Part 9

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At around noon the following day, Kenny made her way through the front doors of Lisa's office building. There, she found Kelly, who greeted her with a smile as she finished up with a phone call.

"Kenny!" Kelly said after she hung up the phone, "Hello!"

"Hey! How's it going?" Kenny asked, leaning against the desk.

"Good!" the assistant answered.

"Wow! This is a pretty sharp looking place," Kenny commented, glancing around the lobby.

"You've never been here?" Kelly inquired.

"Not at all," she replied, "By the time Lisa and I usually get time to meet up the business day is over."

"Are you here to see her?" the girl asked.

"I am," Kenny confirmed, "Actually, is she really busy this afternoon?"

"Not really," Kelly told her, "Not for a Friday anyways. She's got one meeting and a conference call."

"Lisa's not feeling to well today," Kenny stated, "Anyway those appointments could... go away?"

"She didn't say anything about being sick," Kelly said. Kenny replied with a wink. "Oh! Of course! If she's not feeling well she should rest. I'll see what I can do."

Ten minutes later, Kelly knocked on Lisa's office door. The lawyer called for her to enter the room, where she was pouring over paperwork, glasses firmly in place.

"Hi Kelly," Lisa greeted her, "What can I do for you?"

"I managed to get all of your appointments moved for you," the assistant told her, "I hope you feel better."

"What do you mean?" Lisa replied, the confusion clear on her face. "I feel fine." She removed her glasses and slid back in her chair.

"Go home," Kelly demanded with a smile, "Get some rest." She backed out of the office, letting Kenny squeeze in before she shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa exclaimed.

"I'm here to pick you up," Kenny stated. Sitting on the corner of the desk, she grabbed Lisa's glasses in her hand and twisted them around in her fingers. "These are cute," she said, "I didn't know you wore glasses."

"I do," Lisa confirmed, "This fun little thing happens after thirty where you lose your eyesight, no matter how keen it may be."

"Yikes," she joked, "I'm glad I'm not thirty." Lisa smacked her knee playfully. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go? Go where?"

"You said you wanted to see me during the day," Kenny pointed out, "It's day time."

"It's Friday, right in the middle of the work day," Lisa countered.

"I took care of that already," she waved it off. Leaning down, Kenny hovered close to Lisa's lips, flashing that crooked grin that always sent Lisa over the edge. Lowering her voice to a seductive husk, she said, "Are you telling me you don't want to go?"

"No, I'm just trying to appear responsible, hard working, and not nearly as twitterpated with you as I am," Lisa replied, matching her tone.

"Oh," Kenny nodded, "Are you done with that yet?"


Lisa grabbed her coat in one hand and Kenny's arm in the other. The blond led her out of her office. Lisa slowed their forward motion as they passed Kelly's desk, attempting to give her instructions to wrap up the day. "Call Mr. Carter for me please," she rattled off, "Just make sure he got my email. I need to hear back from him by Monday. Oh also, Tanya Cole..." A she spoke, Kenny began gently pulling her in the direction of the door.

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