Chapter 8

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wooden box, tucking it underneath her bed It was the last gift she would ever get from Rosabel and the last time she had spent with her. Iris

did not want to rune the crown or let anyone touch it. Never had Iris loved anything so important to her, the crown held meaning and value even if they didn't know each other well enough, it was given to her from a friend, the first friend she ever hands but lost. Iris stepped away from her bed walked out of her bedroom, as she closed her door she walked away from her room, looking outside the window, she heard noises outside and the hooves of horses. Leaning out to the window she saw her father had just returned with his troops. Iris wondered if there was any news if he found Rosabel or clues to where she could be. Watching her father get off the house she noticed something peeking out of his satchel, looking closer at what was inside his bag she realized the color, it was a bright red cloth that belonged to Rosabel.

It was daylight outside and the birds were chirping as the wind was picking up making the leaves shake off the trees. Rosabel slowly opened her eyes and moved her hands covering the sunlight. She looked around where she was and tried to get up but the pain all over her body prevented her from moving much. Slowly she made progress and got up to sit down on a rock. Trying to remember what happened to her she looked up at the tree branches and saw the edge of the cliff. To her surprise she was still alive and not dead, from a fall that high off the ground would be her death but since the trees where here, her chances of dying were less. Rosabel didn't know where to go from here or to look for help. She saw that she could go around the cliff and go back to the castle but...who was there to welcome her back home? If she went back now it would go against her mother wishes, she wanted Rosabel to get away from the castle and to not look back but its daylight out and nothing came after her. Rosabel had to know why they attacked her home and stole her family away from her, she wouldn't run away now, not

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