Chapter 16

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fell into her crused trap?" Iris voice grew low, whether if it was true she could be right she didn't want to fight the Crimson Rose. He looked down at Iris with a sad look " Iris....I'm afraid so, we were never able to find her the day she went missing, now Rosabel faith lies within the Evil queen of Crimson Rose", Iris let her mouth drop, what was she going to do now?, her old friend was taken away and now she must fight up against Regine who had taken over Rosabel body. She sat there and placed her head on the table, they were never able to reach her in time and now she's gone. Her father placed his hand on her head pulling her close to him " I'm sorry Iris, I should have told you back then and now, I afford to lose my child" Iris looked up at her father " Father we can't do anything now, I have to come up with a plan before she attacks and find a way, to not kill my friend." she moved out of the way from her father turning behind her walking out the door. What was she going to do now? This was a mess and now it falls on her shoulders, there was only such little time left before the next move on Firmament and her choices her limited.

Regine sat in her bedroom chambers, writing a letter to the Firmament asking them to hand over the old king and she would leave them in peace, she signed the bottom of the paper of red ink and left an imprint of the Crimson Rose crest stamp on the bottom. " My plan to take down the Firmament will be completed once and for all" she looked at her red knight " Here take this message to Queen Iris and make it quick, I don't want to keep her waiting for long " she smiled handing the letter to her knight " Ahhh, and don't forget to round up the army tonight we have a long journey, ready the men and weapons!" she stood from her chair grabbing her staff and armor " Ready the horse down for me quickly, I don't want to be late for tonight's event" her men were already at work packing up stuff to take, she got down to the bottom of the entrance gate, her horse loaded and set, seating herself on top she made her move to attack tonight. 

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