Ghost advenuteres meets Evil Octonauts/captain dosen't believe In ghosts

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Captain Zak cheetah Kwazii nick ShellingTrap followed Zak's brother to the screams. 'Are you ok dash?' Emily said as she was helping her get up from the tree fall.' Yeah almost ow how about you and summer?' Dash said as dash said she was getting up helped by summer. 'Are you Girl's ok?' Zack said as he ran to them with his brother and the crew following him. 'Yeah I think so whose this?' Dash said as she saw her crew and two men following them.

'I'm Zak. Zak bagans. that's nick groff.' Zak explains to dash as she gave him a confuse looked. 'Ok. So where's Peso and Tweak?' Dash said as she looked at Kwazii and nick glaring at each other. 'Guys stop it!' Captain and Zak said at the same time as Kwazii and nick looked away at the same time. Captain looked at Zak who shrug.

Captain Zak his brother nick Dash Kwazii cheetah Chase ShellingTrap went to find Aaron peso and Twenkster. 'Peso!!!' Captain said as he looked everywhere same with his crew Chase and cheetah smelling the ground to find a track of them.

Chase barks and ran the crew followed him. 'Oh and one more thing Chase and cheetah are fast!' Captain said as he runs after them same with the crew. 'Now you tell us!' Zak said as he runs after them too.

Chase bumped into  Peso and Twenkster with Aaron. 'Guys found them!' Chase said as he got off of them. The crew went to him and saw him getting off of them they helped them up. 'Thanks.' Peso said as captain helped him up. 'Thanks ShellingTrap.' Twenkster said as he helped her up. 'Thanks guys.' Aaron said as nick and Zak helped him up.

'My camera! Nick where's your camera?' Aaron said as he got his camera off the ground and notice that nick doesn't got his camera. 'My camera I must've left it when I scared Kwazii and cheetah.' Nick said as he runs to find his camera. 'I'll help you find your camera nick!' Cheetah said as she ran off after him and looking for his camera leaving the crew behind.

'Should we help him?' Peso said as nick and cheetah ran off. 'Uh...I think there'd be fine who are you guys? Just kidding let's help them.' Zak joked and ran to find Nick's camera. The Octonauts ran and went after them and looked for his camera.

Nick looked in the trees and the bushes.
Cheetah sniffed around the trees and bushes until they didn't find his camera.
The crew went up to them and started looking for his camera. 'Found it nick!!!' Chase said as he looked in one of the bushes and picked up the camera with his teeth and gives it to nick. 'Thanks Chase.'

Nick said as he pick up his camera off his teeth and wipe off the drool. 'Hey it's still recording!' Nick said as he saw the red light recording everything. 'Really? That's awesome!!!' Zak said as he pops out of a bush and ran to him. 'That's cool can't believe it was recoding the whole thing!'

Zak said as he went to the Octonauts and smile at them. 'What?' Captain Said as he looked at his crew who looked at him and shrug at him. 'Nick and Aaron's cameras were recording everything and the people who watching this show right now are watching us live!' Zak said as he put up his hands up.

'Ok then? What about your other location? Is it the nightclub or something?' Captain asked as they went out of the woods.
'Oh yeah forgot about that.' Zak said as he stop smiling and went out of the woods.

'You guys coming or what?' Zak said as the Octonauts was standing there blink. Then the snap out of it and followed them out of the woods. 'What do you guys do?' Captain said as Zak went to the van with billy and jay. 'Hey Zak whose them?' Billy said as he saw the Octonauts following them to the ride. 'Billy this is captain barnacles and his crew these are the....the what?' Zak said as he went to billy and turn back at the Octonauts.

'Uh...were the Octonauts forgot to tell you when we first met.' Captain said as he chuckles nervously and put his paw behide his head. 'Ok Octonauts wanna come to the nightclub?' Zak asked them and they looked at each other and looked at them.

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