Ch 13: War On All Fronts

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"Baron. Tell me you have good news."

"I do. I have an address, it's in Miami."

"Text it to me and come get your roll."

"...but you paid me yesterday."

Noke chuckles. "You got me an address, that my guys haven't been able to get me in weeks. You deserve a little something extra."

"You don't have to do that. I only did what you asked. I like to work for my keep."

Noke nods in respect. "I like that. How 'bout you keep an eye on any package addressed to me."

"I can do that."

"Just out of curiosity. How you get the address?"

Baron chuckles. "The girl in charge likes me."

Noke laughs. "Good. Tell you what. Drop by the address Imma text you. I'm havin' a get together of sorts. You should be there."

"Alright. I get off at 6p. I'll go back to mine, change and head there after."

"Aight. See you then."

Noke disconnects the call and calls Bruce.

"Aye Black!" His cell chimes with a text.


He smiles. "We got an address."

"That's what's up. Let's go pay whoever that is a visit. Bet they won't be expecting us. You still got eyes on Alexis?"

"Yeah man I got it. Eagle is watching her. No worries."


Daniel picks up the phone and speed dials Alexis.

"Hey baby." She says seductively.

He smiles. "Hey gorgeous."

She giggles messing with the end of his/her oversized shirt. "I miss you."

"I miss you more." He takes a deep breath. "I called to hear your voice, and to give you some news."

She smiles in excitement. "You're coming back early?" She takes a seat on the bed to calm herself.


She frowns. "What?" Sagging in disappointment.

He pushes air through his pouted lips. "I uhh...I'll be MIA for the next week or two."

"WHAT?!" She stands to her feet.

"Baby...relax." He says in a calming voice. "I just have to be incognito for a minute. I promise. Everything is fine."

She says nothing.

"Good news're no longer bait."

She shrugs unhappily. "So...what's going to happen now?"

"I can't tell you. Just know that it will all be over soon...okay?"

She nods. "Okay..."

He groans in defeat. "I love you Lobo. Don't worry."

She sighs. "I love you too Dani." She shifts her weight from foot to foot. "Dani..."

"Yes Baby."

"I don't have a good feeling about this. Please be careful. Tell Kane if anything happens to you. I will tie him up, drop the world's most powerful magnet in a lake, cement his nuts to another powerful magnet, and dangle him from a hot air balloon."

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