Hour 2 and a half

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"I'm not sure of I should come with you," she bit her lip unsurely, "I just met you!"

"So what?" He rolled his eyes.

"Well for all I know, you could be a killer!" She hissed quietly, not wanting to wake the sickly girl just a few beds away from her.

"Oh puh-lease. It's the 1970's! Go live a little!" He tried to convince her.

She really wanted to go with him. A part of her told her to go but another part of her told her to stay.

"Okay," she finally decided, "Just show me how your life works in one night. And if I like it, I'll come with you." She said with finality that caused him to smirk. He knew she lead her into her bait.

"That's my, girl." He smiled to himself.

Michael stood up and walked over to the vacant beds and pulled off the sheets.

"What are you doing?" She eyed him curiously.

He rolled his eyes, "We need something to get us down."

"Can't we climb down?" She asked.

"It's not like you can, girly." He smirked at her, teasing her a bit. You see, Malaya had a competitive side and she took this as a challenge.

runaway kid || mgc (finished)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon