Hour 5 and a half

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All the boys fell asleep-even Malaya-except for the black-haired boy. Michael gathered a whole lot of wild, pale and pink flowers from the trees and started putting them together in a line. He was trying to make a crown out of flowers. Michael was never the one to give girls gifts but he wanted to make something special for the tan skinned girl. He stared at her, taking in her features-her long thick eye lashes, her black hair blanketing her upper body and how there were cute little freckles covering her nose. He smiled when he noticed how similiar Tiger Lily's description (from his favorite book, Peter Pan) was to Malaya. He always had this small crush on that specific character. He remembered his mom reading the book to him when he was young and he immediately thought that he would want to meet a girl like Tiger Lily-brave, strong and smart.

Once he was done, he gathered more flowers and went back to the girl lying on the dirt. He quietly slipped in flowers in her hair, trying to fill every possible space with small and medium sized pale pink flowers.

"What are you doing?" She groaned, finally awaking from her sleep.

"Hey," He smiled, "I made you something."

"What is it?" She quietly sat up.

He took the crown of flowers on the ground and placed it carefully on her head, which was covered by more flowers. She looked like a wild goddess, like Hestia or one of the Muses in the Greek Mythology.

She was stunning.

Malaya blushed when she noticed Michael staring at her.

"What?" She let out a nervous chuckle.

"Come with me," he smiled.

"To where?"

"Trust me."

Michael lead her to some kind of river of sort where the fireflies were twinkling bright and the moon was shining down like a spotlight. It was beautiful.

Michael looked over at her nervously and he knew why.

He was finally understanding what he's been feeling for this girl. But he did not want it for it is one of the signs of growing up.

Michael smiled and grabbed her hand in which Malaya felt sparks. Malaya knew she liked him, the moment he came to the orphanage. She wanted to tell him how she felt for him. But he knew he wouldn't like it.

He took out a small raft and climb into it, gesturing for her to come with him. She stepped in and almost immediately, they were floating away from the surface. She looked at her reflection and noticed that she had flowers in her hair. She looked like a fairy, she thought.

She smiled to herself, "Why do I have flowers in my hair?"

"Well I put it in your hair while you were sleeping," He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, I love it." She smiled, taking Michael's hand in his, "This is absolutely wonderful."


theres like four chaps left im laughing


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