Me and the hogwarts express

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Kali POV

My name is Kali, you know like the god of destruction but I'm honestly not like that

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My name is Kali, you know like the god of destruction but I'm honestly not like that.
My photos show that I have glasses but I do like wearing contacts when I'm working so I don't have to fuss with the frames.
It's going to be my first day at Hogwarts soon, oh joy....

My family says it's my destiny all dramatic like but I'm not really a fan, it's not like it matters to me.

I'd rather work then spend my life waving a wand oh and did I mention?

I don't speak English

(This is translated)

I walked down the road holding the heavy bag my family gave me and I scoffed walking into the train station

I walked down the way and made it to platform 9 and scoffed

"ti eídous ilíthio eínai na échei éna klásma gia mia platfórma trénon, oi anóitoi" I mumbled

"Excuse me, are you having some trouble?" A girl smirked

"Y-yes, find platform 9 3/4 please?" I asked as clearly as I could

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"Y-yes, find platform 9 3/4 please?" I asked as clearly as I could

"Ah, Hogwarts too? I'm Rizu Weasley" she smirked proudly

"W-who?" I laughed

"Ah, you probably know my brothers at least? Ron? George? Fred?" Rizu said getting less and less confident

"Just be quiet, help find platform" I glared

"Fine, what's with your speech?" Rizu said as she started leading me

"I....from......I speak Greek, not much.... English?" I frowned

"I see, I didn't think about anyone else attending Hogwarts that didn't speak English" Rizu laughed

"Ah" I nodded

"Here we are, just through that wall my brothers told me, let's go!!!" Rizu said running strait into the wall and disappearing into it

I stared and scoffed

"ti prépei na periméno apó to Hogwarts? kanonikés platfórmes? óchi epeidí eínai magikó kai magikó den eínai aplá logikí!" I growled walking into the wall

I appeared on the other side and stared at the platform

"9 3/4 here we are" Rizu smirked

I stared and took in my surroundings

"Oh cmon, lets just get on the train before we miss it" Rizu sighed pointing at the train

I nodded and frowned as we walked into the train, showing our tickets and finding seats

Rizu sat down and I rolled my eyes continuing to walk on

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Rizu asked chasing after me and grabbing my wrist

I glared and continued walking, dragging her with me

I walked into the private cart they had assigned me, Rizu stared

"What?" I mumbled

"It's amazing" she laughed

I shrugged and sat down at my seat as Rizu began picking up a bunch of sweets

"You know, why are you coming to Hogwarts if you hardly speak?" Rizu smirked

I sighed and handed her the paper my parents had me take with me

'Kali cannot speak as you can tell but she's the first magic user with the perfect skill to match anyone at Hogwarts that doesn't speak English, we've put her in magic speaking classes and she will try her best to catch up but her magic was a chance that Hogwarts couldn't miss'

"Wow...never thought" Rizu smiled

"What's your magic?" I mumbled

"Huh?" She smiled

"Small talk" I sighed

"Oh, animal manipulation and communication, my brother Ron taught me it" she said proudly

Rizu sat next to me and whispered

"He was friends with Harry Potter, they practically killed Voldemort together! At least that's what he says" Rizu smirked

"He who shan't be named" I mumbled

"...look how cool this is!!" Rizu smirked whipping out her sword

"Watch it!" I snapped

She smiled and bowed with the sword resting between her chest and stomach but as she cane up she waved it to her side as a silver wand with curved spirals

"Eh? Eh?! Pretty cool huh?" Rizu smirked

I rolled my eyes "Nice party trick"

"Not just that!" Rizu laughed

Tossing her wand up as it fell the ground my eyes followed and soon looking up she was gone and in her place a small ginny pig

"What are you a weasel weasly?" I smirked

"I am a ginny pig!" She squeaked

"Talking weasel, Nice" I smiled

I looked back at my book and she transformed back

"What have you got then?" Rizu pouted

I smiled and looked at her

"Your speaking fluent Greek" I smirked

"What?" She stuttered

"Anyone who walks into this cart will be speaking fluent Greek to me and they will think I'm speaking fluent English" I explained

She scoffed and mumbled "who did that for you?"

"I learned the spell and did it myself I'll have you know" I said proudly as I turned back to my book

She went for a comeback and scoffed

"Whatever" she said bitterly

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