Spending the night

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Rizu POV

Turns out there was an actual problem with the rails ahead of the trains where they had somehow melted and frozen incorrectly so they can't be used and they have to fix them all up to the end of the track witch could take all night!

Me and Cathrine were updated on Kali, she's had a broken rib from colliding with the table and had been taken back to Hogwarts to heal the bone with the nurse and hopefully go strait back to lessons when we all get back to school

"I hope Kali's Alright" I muttered

"Kali is Fine, her bones regrow in mere hours thanks to the magic we have. Now cmon, help me transfigure some blankets" Cathrine rolled her eyes

"I can't transfigure anything though" I frowned

"I need to borrow your wand Sherlock. Mine is with my robes in my trunk which is in the luggage cart" Cathrine glared

I nodded and handed her my wand, having always carried it with me

She made a few blankets and we heard a knock at the carriage door

I opened it and glared

"Malfoy...what do you want Slytherin?" I glared

"The other cart are full. Is there room for me to stay in here with you two?" Nathan said hesitantly

"Pervert!" Cathrine yelled throwing something at him which he promptly dodged

"I'd rather not. Besides, the other carts have at least 5 students in most of them and I'd rather not share a cart with that" Nathan frowned

I sighed and let him in

"You stay on one side of the cart" Cathrine said quickly throwing a blanket at him

"As I intended to- oh no you have me wrong I wouldn't dream of doing anything of that nature!" Nathan blushed

"As if you don't want to" I smirked

"I swear on my blood, I'd never do that. My brother and I are naughty at the worst of times but I'd never dare" Nathan frowned
"Swear on Malfoy honour"

"That's not saying much" Cathrine glared

"Fine. Then my honour" Nathan frowned

"Fair enough. I'm sleeping now" I glared

Nathan nodded and laid down on the side and was out like a light

"He's not bad for a Slytherin you know" Cathrine smirked as she pulled the blankets up

"Who cares. He does anything bad to Kali and I'll end him.." I muttered

I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night and sat up

I looked around the kart and saw Nathan was awake as well, his green eyes flashing brightly compared to his pale face

"Hey are you alright? You look pale" I pointed out

"Fine Rizu, just woke up...hey" Nathan chuckled

"What?" I said sarcastically

"We're moving" Nathan said suddenly

"What?" I glared

Nathan flung open the curtains and smirked,  the train was huffing away in the background

"Thank god, I was going to go crazy" Nathan sighed clutching his chest

"What? Having a heart attack?" I scoffed

"Sorry, my farther wouldn't have been happy at all" Nathan smiled weakly

Nathan's head bobbed forwards lightly and he yawned

"You didn't sleep at all did you?" I glared

He shook his head

"Bloody hell, you were worried about getting back weren't you?" I smirked

"I was worried about Kali" Nathan frowned

"Kali?" I laughed

"I know it sounds stupid. I really like her and I was worried after I found out what happened about her" Nathan blushed

"You found out? Wait do you like her?!" I snapped

"I just said that..." Nathan's face reddened

"He what??!!" Cathrine snapped sitting up suddenly

"Oh god" Nathan covered his face In his hands

"You have a crush on Kali?" I muttered

"Y-you could say that..." Nathan blushed

"Okay I want an explanation, I can't sleep now" Cathrine smirked

"Look, to keep it simple, my family wants me to marry a pure blood, but I'm not like them. If I fell in love with someone who was a m- not a pure blood Then I would marry them. Kali isn't like the other pure bloods, she would do the same, i know she would and...she's so kind and quiet...I feel like I don't need to be loud to catch her eye....she's..." Nathan smiled sweetly
"She's the one I love"

I smirked and laughed

"Ack! I'm not saying anymore!" Nathan said, flustered

"Oh no your not Romeo!" Cathrine laughed

Nathan frowned and turned over in his bed. Coming himself in the blanket

"Awww, now we've lost him" I yawned

I glanced at the window

"Sun is riding any hour now. Best get some rest while we can" Cathrine sighed

I nodded and glanced at Nathan one more time before laying back down

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