Christmas day

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Kali PoV

I woke up to violent shaking on my side

"Rizu off!" I snapped

I sat up and saw Cathrine?

"Kali it's Christmas!" Cathrine smirked

"Cmon! Fred and george will beat us downstairs!" Rizu glared

I was tugged out of bed and I glared, grabbing my silk dressing gown before being rushed downstairs

I looked around and saw a ton of gifts as well as everyone else in the burrow, compacted in the lounge and kitchen as well as the areas in between due to lack of space

"Look who's finally up" Ron glared

"Shut up Ron, Kali and Cathrine are first time guests, be nice" Molly scolded

It wasn't long before Fred and George insisted on opening gifts

Bill got a new wand while Charlie got some books about dragons, Percy a new owl and the twins some more money for their shop. Ron got a new rat and Ginny got a new broom and Hermione and Harry got knitted sweaters

Cathrine only got a small bracket and Rizu got a new wand in a rather large box which she opened and promptly shut

"Thanks Mum!" Rizu laughed

Molly gave her an approving smile

I smiled and was prepared to have everything end there when Bill handed me a box

I hesitantly picked it up and looked at everyone

"It's not a Weasley Christmas if everyone doesn't get a gift" the twins smiled

I slowly removed the tape and unfolded the paper and stared at He small brown box

It was clearly something small based on the reused box to either keep it safe or conceal its shape

I looked around the room and saw everyone staring at me

I mumbled a cuss in Greek and opened the box and peered inside

I stared as I saw its contents

It was a golden laced spell book, full of empty pages

"It's empty? Mom! You said it would have tons of spells to help her!" Rizu frowned

"It needs a sample of DNA from the user and it downloads every spell they've ever used, witnessed or have a certain amount of knife about and stores them for future use" Hermione smirked

"Bloody hell, sounds like you really know everything" Ron wined

"Each spell also can be touched in some spots and it will show you when you used it or the memory of it specifically" Hermione continued before being smacked in the face with a pillow

"I hope your not like her" Rizu said under her breath

"No, she's worse most of the time" Hermione smirked sitting back up

"No complaints or objections"  Cathrine smirked

As chatted echoed around me I ran my fingers over the pages with the emotions that suddenly took me off guard

I felt something fall from my face and saw a clear drop land on the notebook

"Kali? Are you alright?" Harry frowned standing up from his seat

I looked up and choked out a smiled

"Thank you so much" I smiled

I looked down at the book and gasped seeing the book jump to life, words and pictures leaping across the page suddenly

I stared at the pages and flipped through seeing all my spells written across the paper

I stopped seeing a spell I had never herd of

"Kali, Cmon!" Rizu nagged me as she got up to go outside before I could touch the page

"Yeah, I wanna play in the snow!" Cathrine said sarcastically

I nodded and shut the book...making a mental note for later...

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