Broom riding

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Kali PoV

I sighed as I tucked away a sheet of paper in my pocket

It was a note I received after Miss Caret's class so that I was able to tell the teacher I needed a language spell in their class

The teacher cast the spell without too much trouble and the class began

"First years! have your brooms rise" Mr Bram commanded

The brooms made it to our hands and we started

"Mount your brooms carefully and gain your balance, it's vital to be able to balance or you may fall" he continued

As the lesson went on the other students were able to make it to the air easily especially Rizu but me and Cathrine oddly enough had slight trouble

"Alright Cathrine, slow and steady" Mr Bram couched

Cathrine suddenly went to the air with sudden ease

"Alright then Kali" Mr Bram frowned

My shaky hands made their way to the broom as I found my balance

"Remember, stay calm while on the broom or you'll fall strait back off" Mr Bram smiled

I took a deep breath and slowly rose a meter off the ground

"Okay Careful" Mr Bram said riding up next to me

"Now forward" Mr Bram smiled shooting ahead

I followed in suit and felt the air rush past me

I wasn't afraid of flying, I never was. With my Greek flight spell I would be able to save myself should I need it but flying was honestly a little harder then I thought I guess

As we all circled the court I suddenly felt the need to try something

I slowly stood up on the broom and flew as if it were a snowboard

"Wow look at Kali!" I head students shout

I strangely found this style easier

I turned with ease and saw Mr Bram staring from his position

Rizu and Cathrine flew beside me

"Your crazy" Cathrine smirked

"In a cool way!" Rizu laughed

"Don't even think about trying it Rizu Lace Wesley" Cathrine glared

"Don't bring my middle name into this Cathrine!" Rizu wined

"Both if you shhh, enjoy the flight" I smirked as I sped up

I closed my eyes briefly as the wind picked up but they shot open as I felt myself being tugged towards the ground...falling off my broom

I scrambled for the spell and stopped my thoughts as I felt a set of strong arms around me

"Be careful"

I felt the ground below me and I looked at my apparent saviour

I felt the ground below me and I looked at my apparent saviour

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"I'm Nathan, are you Alright Kali?" The boy smiled

I blushed slightly and nodded

"How do you know my name?!" I said quickly coving my sudden embarrassment

"Everyone does, I'm simply thankful I met you myself instead of the rumour mill at the school" Nathan smiled

I went to question him further when Cathrine pulled me back and Rizu grabbed at Nathan's green tie

"What did you do to her Malfoy!" Rizu snapped

"What's going on?!" I shouted

"He's Draco Malfoy's brother, they say he's no good around here, I mean he's a Slytherin" Cathrine glared

"Well he's pretty nice for a Slytherin" I frowned tugging my arm back

Nathan pulled back and sighed

"Can't do anything in this school can I?" Nathan shook his head adjusting his tie

"Not a wizard gone bad that isn't from Slytherin they say" a student from Hufflepuff squeaked

"Regardless" Mr Bram coughed making his presence known "he saved Kali and that's worthy of reward, 10 points to Slytherin and -10 from Griffendor for Kali's accident and your outburst Miss Weasley"

A few members of Slytherin smirked patting Nathan on the back as Rizu frowned and sighed

"Now lessons over, off to supper with you" Mr Bram said harshly as everyone left the courtyard, brooms in hand after I picked up my own

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