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Kali POV

I sighed as I left my place at the dinner table

"What's up? You not hungry?" Rizu frowned

"I already finished" I sighed

Cathrine glanced at my empty plate and nodded

"Alright, where you off to?" Cathrine smiled

"Library and stuff, I'm off to study my English" I scoffed as I left the dining hall, the silver language line following me as I walked

I opened the creaky doors to the Library and stared at the vast quantities of books

"Ah, Kali"

I looked over and saw Miss Caret and Mr Bram

I walked over close enough to have them within the language line and smiled

"Miss Caret, Mr Bram, how are you" I smiled falsely

"Well, are you looking for a book? Me and Mr Bram are on duty tonight" Miss Caret smiled

"Any English literature if possible. I'd like to practice my pronunciation" I nodded

Mr Bram smirked and walked over to a shelf, picking up a book and asking strait back

"A smart story this is. The tale of Harry Potter" Mr Bram smiled holding out the book to me

"Potter? As in the boy who defeated that man with Cathrine and Rizu's older siblings?" I frowned looking over the cover

"Exactly" Miss Caret smiled

I wavered on the thought

"I see your not much for story's. Why not take this one and another book to get started?" Mr Bram smiled

I took the book and nodded again

"Thank you Mr Bram, Miss Caret" I smiled

I walked away and looked over the large shelves

"Looking for something?"

I rolled my eyes and looked over seeing Nathan

"Nathan" I smiled taking a step closer

Nathan stepped back and I sighed pointing to the line

"Oh right, language line" Nathan chuckled stepping within the line

"What are you looking for?" Nathan chuckled nervously

"English stuff. Trying to brush up my pronunciation" I smiled as I glanced back at the book titles

"Ah, you should try this out" Nathan smiled

He handed me a spell book that was in English as Has note pages at the end

"Why would the libuary have this again?" I chuckled

"It's one of can keep it if you want" Nathan blushed

"Seriously?" I smiled taking a step closer to his face

"Y-Yeah" Nathan smiled backing away slightly

"Cmon, I'll help you read" Nathan offered

We sat down and began studying the book

"Alright, off with the spell" Nathan smirked

I popped the bubble and began reading

"Introdu-introduction" I mumbled

Nathan smiled patiently

" was established many years... ago and has pro-Produced wizards and....witches of vast fame and for...fortune" I sighed

"Your doing really well" Nathan smiled

"It's the same writing I grew...up with, just different........words" I smiled

Nathan laughed slightly at my accent

"What's funny?!" I snapped hitting his arm

"Nothing it's cute" Nathan smiled

"Cute?" I glared

"Yes, it's a good thing you know? Every heard of a complement?" Nathan smiled

"No...I don't know what the word means" I lied

"We need to get you a dictionary" Nathan smiled

"Also don't know what the word means" I scoffed

"Seem to be able to say that phrase pretty easy" Nathan smiled

"Shut up!" I snapped

We bickered for a while and obviously I won and by then it was nearly curfew

"Ah, the Slytherin door will be locked soon...I must be off, our towers much further then your from here" Nathan smiled

I nodded and sighed "I'll see you in lesson snake" I smiled

"As to you noble Greek Griffin" Nathan bowed as he headed off

I scoffed and walked to my dorm and prepared for my daily night flight

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