Christmas arrangements

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Kali PoV

I yawned as I helped Rizu pack her last sweater

"Gosh I'm excited to go back home for the season break" Rizu giggled

"Lucky, my parents ditched me to visit Romania and god knows where my sisters gone off to" Cathrine scoffed, raising her head from her book

"And I'm here with nothing of the sort" I scoffed

"Oh Sorry Kali! I didn't mean to exclude you there" Cathrine frowned

"Think nothing of it. I'm just glad I can go without having Mr Bram breathing down my neck" I smiled

"It's too bad I have to leave Miss Caret behind though! She's a god saint" Rizu wined as she struggled to shut her case

"Still better then staying here" Cathrine scoffed

"You know what..." Rizu smirked

"Qué? We don't know if you don't tell us" I yawned again

"I could ask my parents if you could stay with us for the holidays" Rizu smiled

"Please take me with you" Cathrine begged

"I'd love that actually" I smiled

"I'll send an owl right now" Rizu smirked proudly

"Already done. Check it quick and send it with my owl. Your one is a tragic thing that would die before it got off the school grounds" Cathrine smirked

"Fair enough" Rizu rolled her eyes as she went over the pepper

"Eh, good enough" Rizu smiled as she tied the note to Cathrine owl

"Remember, the burrow. And watch for  dragons. God knows when Charlie's getting home" Rizu smirked tossing the bird out the window

"No wonder your birds 3 feet under" Cathrine smirked

"Isn't it 6 feet?" I said confused

"Exactly. Half way to deaths door" Cathrine laughed as she tossed her book aside

"Quit yabbing and start packing Granger" Rizu smirked
"Kali, I'll help you since your not used to this kind of weather"

I nodded and sighed

"It's much warmer where I'm from..." I muttered

"And where I'm from we don't complain" Cathrine smirked

"And where I'm from we'd cut off that sharp tongue as well" I smirked in return

Cathrine gasped falsely and rolled her eyes

"Hey Rizu your owl landed in my soup!!"

We looked over and saw one of the boys in Griffendor in the doorway holding Rizu's owl with a note stick on its leg and bits of food stuck in its feathers

"The birds a menus" I muttered as Rizu picked up the bird and slammed the door in the boys face

"Welp let's see" Rizu muttered as she opened the letter

As it turned out it sprung open and began speaking

"Hello dear, how are you? It's mom and the others. Just letting you know what all your brothers will be home for Christmas and i think that Ron and Ginny might even be bringing their boyfriends and girlfriends. I know you don't like that sort of thing do you so your welcome to visit your friends over the holiday. Either way, god kick in the Quiddich game!"

With that it stopped and Rizu faced palmed

"Damn birds been lost for a month. No wonder" Rizu groaned as she tossed the letter away

Not long after another bird flew in with a perfect landing as it held out a letter

Cathrine took the note and read it

"Sorry Rizu sweetie, I didn't realise that bird was lost! I hope you did well anyway. Yes of corse you can bring the girls home. We'll pick you up from the platform and make sure they have nice warm sweaters, I might even nit some more just for you sweetie, I'll see you soon, Mom" Cathrine smirked

"Just means she loves me lots" Rizu pouted as she tossed one of my sweaters in a case

"Fold and roll Weasley, you'll leave no space for presents" Cathrine smirked

"UGH!!! Shutupshutupshutupshutup!!"

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