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So its summer, and I'm on a vacation with Emily and Tanner. Summer. At the beach. Again. And it's been four years since I had a vacation.

“Aw.” I said, someone bumped me.

“I'm sorry.” She said, I think she's in a hurry.

I came back to the shore where Emily and Tanner are.

“Where's the cover up?” Emily asked me.

“Oh! I forgot! I'll get it.” I told her.

I hurriedly get back to our room and took our cover up. When I came back I saw those gathering dry leaves and branches. I wonder what they would do to that.

“Hi guys,” I paused, “What are you guys up to?” I asked.

“We're preparing for a bond fire." Emily said, still picking. “Did you get the cover up?”

“Um, yeah.” I handed her her cover up. “Let me help you.”

She stood, “You can help, that part," She pointed to right. “There's more dry leaves and branches over there.” She said.

I nodded. “Okay.”

I went there. It looks deserted. And it was the end of the shore.

I started picking dry leaves and branches. And it's getting dark too.

Minutes later I heard a crack, a branch. Behind me. I turned like I was caught stealing.

“God! You scared me!” I told her, it was only Emily.

“Pick up more then go back, we'll be ready in a minutes.” She said then walked back.

I stayed for more minutes to pick up some more. And when I'm about to go back I saw him, Adam.

I stood still, his eyes locked on mine, “Um... Hi?” He whispered.

“Um, hello?” I said.

“So, um...” He put his hand through his hair, “You need help?”

“No, thanks.” The sun was setting down, it's getting dark and I feel the breeze of the sea. “But if you insist.” I told him.

He walked to me and reached for the dry leaves and branches.

We talked as we walked.

“Um, why are you here?” He asked me.

“Vacation, I'm here for vacation.”

He nodded.

“With Emily and Tanner.” I said.

“How are you?”

“Fine,” I paused, “Do you want to come with us?”

“You sure?” He asked.


We got there on time, Tanner started the fire but it seems that they didn't noticed us standing behind.

“Guys.” I told them.

Emily turned, “Oh! There you are, I thought you're lost or something.” She said, “Come here.”

“I'm with someone.” I said.

“What?" Tanner asked. “Don't scare me Elisse!”

I giggled, “It's not a ghost Tanner...” I stopped.

Adam stepped forward.

“Oh my God Elisse! Stay away from him!” Emily said, sounds nervous.

“Don't worry Emily, I invited him.”

“But...” She complained.

“Welcome to the bonfire Adam!” Tanner said, “What are you waiting? Let's enjoy the night!”

We stayed all night singing.

That moment I felt strange, no more hatred, no more sadness, and no more heartache. Just love. Maybe we're really destined to each other, we just need time and space to realize our love. And by the time we started all over again.

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