Chapter 2 :)

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Stiles' POV

I look over my phone's GPS to find where this museum is at. Scott groan with impatience as I look for this f*cking place. We decided to go to this new supernatural exhibit, actually Scott decided he wanted to go. He just didn't want to go alone. I don't know why he didn't take someone like Lydia, or maybe Liam. It could be that he wanted quality time with his best friend after all of the craziness that is the ghost riders (F*ck season 6B). If only he knew that this trip would end up as a big ole cluster F. We got lost in the middle of the a bad neighborhood where there is a lot of gang activity. Various wars have happened here. Out of all places to break down! Why did it have to be here? L.A is dangerous in certain parts. I could have swore I saw two people fist fighting with brass knuckles about half a mile back. Let alone some gun shots I heard. We seriously need to hurry up and get out of here before someone tries to steal my Jeep.

"How did we end up here?" Scott groans as he leans back in the seat.

"I took a wrong turn. I'll have us back on track in a second." I growl back at my best friend. I try to find what I did wrong with the GPS. I know I took a wrong turn, but how come this dumb ass thing didn't tell me I was going to wrong way!? My phone keeps beeping and beeping at me, and now it's all frozen. Stupid technology always screwing me over. Not my Jeep though. My Jeep is always going to be apart of me. That is the best piece of technology my human ass can have alongside a baseball bat. 

"For f*ck sake, I'm getting out and getting air." He sighs. He hops out of the Jeep and shuts the door behind him. I hope he realized that the window was down and all he had to do was pop his head out like a dog.Wow, that was rude of me. Dealing with the GPS is making me a true ass hole right now. I'll apologize later. For now I have to reboot my phone. I turn off the device and turn it back on. While I wait for it to load, I might as well take in the dangerous area around. 

"Scott, how's it going out-" I look up to see that my best friend was not there. I become confused as to where he went, but an explosion thud enlightens me to a location. I glance back behind the Jeep to see Scott holding a person against the vehicle with on hand.

"Stiles, it's time to go!" He shouts.  I'm 99.9% sure that we are attracting unwanted attention. Yep, time to hurry up! My phone fully switches on and I speed to open up the GPS. After it's open I put in the address again. When the location is found, the device sets up a path for us to take. 

"Got it! Let's go!"


Dylan's POV

I pull up at Posey's house and honk the horn. He almost immediately pops out of his house and turns back to lock the door. Did I just get a glimpse of a sandwich in his mouth? It must be his breakfast. He turns back to me and darts down the front steps. Tyler pulls the the sandwich out of his mouth with a chunk missing. He uses his free hand top open the car and he jumps in with a slightly salty expression. 

"I barely had enough time to make myself a sandwich you weenie." Tyler groans before taking another bite off his food. 

"Oh well, we are going to go to that museum before it gets too crowded." I inform my friend. I put the car in reverse  and pull out of the driveway. I then put it in drive and make way to the museum without even thinking of getting security guards or anything else to make sure we don't get swarmed. I just want it to be my friend and I for the day. Just a normal, celebrity drama less day. Can that even happen?

Reminder that I don't proof read, so there may be grammar errors.

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