Chapter 5 :)

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Tyler's POV

We have been following this girl around for about an hour. I've seen some interesting things while being here. Phoenix feathers, haunted dolls, and various other cool things. Seeing that we have completely wrapped around the whole building, I can say that the tour is almost over with. During this tour I've learned that this girl's name is Lila, which is very pretty. This girl is actually really cute, and I would date her if I wasn't always busy. I really do need to find someone to date that can relate to my actor problems. What I'm about to say may shock you, but I am wanting to romantically experiment. I know it sounds weird, but I just want to try something new. What does that statement fully mean? I want to try things with a guy to feel what it would be like. Im not saying I'm gay, just experimental.

Dylan and I have had our share of gay moments, but they were just for camera. All of those time have got me thinking. What if it wasn't an act. What if we actually kissed by accident? What would something like that even feel like? Could it have been great or god awful? Either way, it wouldn't have hurt to try.

"Here is the last thing on our tour, the mirror of dimensions." The girl states, motioning to a very old looking hand mirror that could be a fossil in its state. Dylan and I gawk at the sight of the mirror in front of us. It's old, yet pretty.

"Cool." Dylan states, taking a closer look.

"No one knows how old it is, as well as the full legend. It was found in a lake near where the real Beacon Hills is and has a weird writing on the back. When we first got it, it was in great condition, but for some strange reason, it started getting warn down like it is." She explains as we stare at the object in its case. The museum has it sitting vertically on a spinning pedestal. It's slowly spinning around, showing its aged beauty. "I find it fascinating that it was found in the real Beacon Hills. What are the coincidence!?" The girl chirps cheerfully. I just caught onto what she just said and I'm mind blown. What is the coincidence of this thing being found where the real Beacon Hills is at? That is truest irony at its best. I actually find it disturbing that something supernatural was found in such a place. It almost makes the place as weird as it's depicted on tv.

"That's super freaky." I mutter.

"I know, right?" My friend agrees. Dylan leans over the guard rail and takes a super close peak when the reflective side is toward him. Our tour guide slightly smirks and begins to move. I cock and eyebrow and watch her carefully to see what she's up to. The girl walks behind Dylan and 'accidentally' bumps into him, however, I know it's not an accident. This is the point where shit hits the fan. Dylan topples over, and takes the case down with him.

"Fûck!" Dylan screams on his way down. As soon as the case hits the floor, it shatters into a million pieces. My friend hits the floor not long after and it is no where near pretty.

"Dylan!" The glass impales various parts of his body, making him shriek out in pain for a split second before his head hits the floor. His hand lays across the mirror and the girl smiles once more, but quickly removes it from her face to act like she is concerned. I Don't get this girl! She was so sweet about three seconds ago, but she just quickly turned into a b*tch! Ugh, There is no time for her now! I have to check on Dylan! I leap over the rail and go to pick him up, but before I do, the girl says something weird under her breath. I can't exactly make out what she is saying, but it's strange.

I ignore the for the rest of the time so I may tent to my friend. I pick up his limp body and begin to get him the hell out of there.

"Dylan, can you hear me?!" I shout, carrying him back over the rail. I lay him in the middle of the more open floor and begin to call for help. "Anyone!? Can we get some help over here!?" I scream out, kneeling down by his side. People around the building rush over to help, but while they are doing that, Dylan opens his eyes.

"Ah shit, my head." He groans, trying to get up off the floor.

"No, Dylan. Lay back down." I push him back down into a laying position to keep him from hurting himself even further. It was a good idea too. He passes out only seconds after laying back down. Before Dylan drifts off, or the other people get here, he something that chills my spin.

"Who is Dylan?" He sign, drifting off asleep. My eyes widen as employees come to help my friend. My blood begins to boil at the thought of Dylan not remembering who he is. It's all that girls fault. With all of the rage in me, I turn to confront the female employee. I was about to explode on her, but when I turn to confront her, she is no where to be found. What the hell?

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