Chapter 6 :)

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I wake and groan with a sick feeling my stomach. While I was on the museum tour with Scott,  the tour guide pushed me into the glass case. I'm not really sure what happened after that, but from the sounds around me, I can deduct that I'm in a hospital. That fall must have seriously hurt me. I can feel bandages and pain all over me. When my vision clears, I can see that I am not in the Beacon Hills hospital, which adds to the list of how bad of shape I'm in. They had to have flown me to another hospital in a big city. I turn to my right and see a fancy looking doctor staring down at me.

"Ah, Mr. O'Brien! Good to see that you're waking up." I cock an eyebrow. Who the hell is Mr. O'Brien? "You fell down pretty hard at that museum, but you don't seem to have any brain damage, which is good. Your blood pressure is normal and all of your cuts are patched up and good to go. All we needed is for you to wake up so that we could get to work on discharging you." He states, going back over his computer charts for a second time to see if anything is missing. "It looks like you'll be out of the hospital by this afternoon."  He walks away from the room computer and heads to the door like nothing happened.

"Uh, who's Mr. O'Brien?" The doctor halts in his tracks and turn back to me in utter shock. "Also, what city am I in? This is for sure not Beacon Hill, and I am very confused on my whereabouts." The doctor rushes back over to my bedside and looks me in the eyes.

"Who do you think you are? What do you think your name is?" He questions. I cock an eyebrow.

"Uh, Stiles Stilinski. Who else would I be?" I query. The doctor turns pale and let's out a long 'Oh no'.

"You are Dylan O'Brien. You play a character called Stiles Stilinski on a show called Teen Wolf." My body freezes and heart sinks. I turn as white along side the doctor. A tear runs down my face and I clench to my chest as my lungs begin to wheeze in air. Oh no, I feel a panic attack coming along.

"No, no, that's ridiculous. I AM Stiles Stilinski! I am from Beacon Hills. My dad's name is Noah Stilinski. My best friend is a-" I cut myself of with how ridiculous my words were about to sound. Maybe it was all some big dream and I'm taking it to heart. No, this isn't right. He must be some demon that is in my head. That's what this is. Some type of supernatural creature is in my head, trying to make me think that my whole life is fake.

"Son, I am telling you, you are Dylan O'Brien. You are an actor and a celebrity. The hospital you are in is a privately owned for high ranking, rich people of L.A. Your friend Tyler Posey brought you here." This is all wrong. I am not Dylan and I don't know a Tyler. This is all a dream. Yeah, it all has to be a dream. If I go back to sleep, I could wake back up in the right place.

"Oh..." I mumble.

"I think you hit your head harder than we thought. Looks like I'm going to have to run more test. I'm going to go get you a cat scan planned, I'll be back." The doctor trots to the door and exits hastily. Now that he's gone, I can go back to sleep and try to wake up from this nightmare.


I wake and groan as a sick feeling envelopes my stomach. While I was on the museum tour with
Tyler, I got pushed into a glass case and got hurt. I don't really remember the fall, but I know it hurt. From the sound around, I can tell that I'm in a hospital. When my eyes fully pry themselves open, I can see a hospital room that looks like on of the sets from Teen Wolf. It's creeping me out, because this place matches every last detail of the fake hospital we had set up.

"Good to see you're up." I turn to my left to see a doctor standing there. My blood runs cold. He is identical to a background doctor Jeff hired. Is this a joke, are these guys playing me?"

"Where am I?" I ask with confusion.

"You're in the Beacon Hills hospital." My skin turns white and I clinch to a side of the bed rail. No, this can't be right. I bet if I take off this I.V and dart out the door, I'll see a whole set and a cast ready to laugh at me. What I need to do right now is keep calm and play along.

"Huh, how did I get here? I was in L.A The last time I checked." I begin to ask a series of questions to keep him distracted while I work the I.V out of my arm. I have to think back to when Jeff made made me evil for a season. I had to be cunning and manipulative, so I had to train to be that way, hence why I'm able to do this. I do have to give them credit where credit is due though. Using a real I.V adds a whole new level to pranking.

"Well, you were check over by a hospital in L.A and when they cleared you, they sent you back here in an ambulance. They wanted us to watch over you for a couple of day until you'd wake up from the coma you were in. Don't worry, the coma only lasted for two days. I even bet you'll be able to head home by this afternoon." The doctor cheers, checking something on his clip board. Haha, I knew they couldn't live up to their lie. Don't they know people in comas have to have catheters put in them?

"Uh, what about catheters? Isn't someone that was in a coma suppose to need those?" I query, slowly sliding the needle out of my arm. That bandage that was over it was a pain to remove, but I got it done.

"When we got the signs of you waking up, the nurses removed them so it wouldn't cause discomfort when you wake." He replies, still not checking anywhere else but his clipboard. I get the needle out of my arm and I work on getting the railing down as quietly as possible. Once the bar is down, I toss off my cover and make a mad dash for the door.

"Hey!" The doctor calls out. I don't have time for his crap. I get out of my hospital room and grin really wide as if I've achieved something great. I know for a fact that they are going to be mad at me for ruining this little prank of theirs, however it has gone too far. They should know I'm hurting after getting all these cuts. How horrible do they have to be to do all of this?

"How cruel can you guys-" I almost instantly lose the smile at the sight of what must be impossible. My eyes grow wider and I grasp at my aching chest. Everyone has stopped what they are doing and snaps their attention to me. "What the hell?"

"Stiles!" My heart thuds hard at the sound of Tyler's voice. I snap my head over at him. He is dressed up as Scott McCall. I sort of getting the feeling this isn't just some simple game of dress up. This isn't fake... everything is real. Oh my god, everything is real. My body goes weak and I drop to my knees. Tyler kneels down and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I lock eyes with my friend and instantly shatter as tears form in my ducts.

"I want to be discharged, now."

What Is Reality (Teen Wolf) (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora