Chapter 7 :)

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After the test, I eventually told the doctor I wanted to leave. He told me to stay home for a while so I can reclaim my memories. I know for a fact that there are no memories to reclaim. I'm not this Dylan guy, I'm Stiles. Before the tests, I thought this was all some joke, but when they brought real needles to poke me, I figured there may be truth to the doctor's words. If this is true, then this is the weirdest supernatural experience that has ever happened.

"Hey, Dylan!" Sc- Tyler chirps as he walks into my hospital room. Apparently 'my family' can't get to the hospital, so this guy is taking care of me. The doctor has briefed him on my condition and he's agreed to deal with me until I get my memories back. There is just one problem. I'm not going to get any memories back, because I'm not from here! This is going to be so awkward, because this guy looks too much like Scott, but acts nothing like him.

"Hey Sc- I mean Tyler." I reply, putting on a shirt. Whoever this Dylan guy is, he's pretty fit, and he has a some facial hair that may look good, but it feels horrible.

"Did you almost just call me Scott?" He asks with a smirk. I turn red and scratch the back of my head. All of this is really confusing me.

"Uh, no." I reply nervously. He trots over and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it man. You are sick and we are going to get you better. Those memories of your life are in there somewhere." Tyler says, tapping my head with his free hand. I laugh and slap his hand away. This guy is super cool and chill. This guy for sure isn't Scott. My best friend is tense half of the time and is always worried about supernatural attacks. Sure, there are his fun moments, however, werewolf stuff has left its mark on him. "Now, let's go get you some clothes from your house and have you come stay with me."

"Sure..." I mumble.


As soon as we get in the car and get on the road, Tyler whips out a carton of cigarettes and passes them to me. I glare at them with wide eyes and look back up to see he's using one of those e-cigarette things.

"I got you your favorite brand. I'm not sure if you even remember about liking cigarettes, but either way is fine." Tyler says as kindly as possible. I stare at the pack of cancer sticks and shiver a bit at the thought of smoking one.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I say back, placing the  pack in the cup holder in between us. He glances between the pack and me with a very confused mug. Tyler seems to shrug it off and cover his bewilderment with a smile.

"That's fine, don't worry about it." Tyler states. "So, you really think your Stiles, huh?" I snap my head to him.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true." I utter sheepishly. I know it sounds ridiculous to him, but I am Stiles. Starting tomorrow, I need to investigate on how I ended up in this world. It surely has something to do with that mirror, but I need to know more about it to find a way back home. Being an actor sounds fun, but I really want to go back him and get ready to become an FBI agent.

"It's actually sounds cool. I'd love to be Scott McCall sometimes, but I'll never get to experience that, because I know it's just a character I play. Due to your memory problem, you get to be a cool/smart dude that all the fans love and care for." Tyler admits with a small blush on his cheeks. This guy doesn't understand how dangerous it really is to be Scott. I get that he wants life to be more adventurous and daring, but the supernatural world is unforgiving. We've lost a good bit of people to our fight with monsters. I feel it's my responsibility to talk him out of his mind set. A first hand experience should be enough to steer  him away.

"Tyler, be glade for this life you have. Supernatural stuff is a rough, sharp pain in the ass. I've nearly died numerous times and I've been possessed by a fûcking fox demon thing. Let's not forget to mention the time I was trapped in no man's land by some ghost riders, and the death of Allison..." I pause for a minute to compose myself. Just thinking about that day makes me an emotional wreck. "...Long story short, I have see some shit, but I deal with all of it for Scott's sake." I tell him then instantly regret it. He is suppose to be thinking that I only have a memory problem. With that tear jerking rant, he will likely get suspicious.

"Well, that's a very good friend of you." Is all he replies with. "So, I'm not making fun of you or anything, but I just want to know your whole point of view when Scott and you found that body in the woods." I raise a eyebrow, but decide to carry on with a reply.

"Well...(one detailed explanation later)... and that's about it. I was super grounded after that, but I managed. When dad was at home, I wasn't allowed to watch Tv, play on my phone, or do anything except homework or studying. I was even made to study while I was eating, showering, or on the toilet. Needless to say, I aced the tests in my classes for two weeks straight." I laugh at the memory of my torture, but Tyler is staring at the road with wide eyes. "Tyler?"

"Oh..." He snaps out of his trance and quickly glances at me then back to the road. "I'm just surprised at how detailed that story was. I also don't remember Jeff ever giving the context of how grounded Stiles was after that adventure."

"Ah." I nervously reply. Crap, he might be onto me. Why do I even care if he knows? There isn't really any downside to him knowing. If he knows, he could help me get home. I think tonight's get I'm going to try and get him to believe I'm the real Stiles Stilinski.

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