Chapter 9 :)

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That Afternoon


I walk into the living room to see Tyler is watching television. My heart picks up speed and I clinch onto my chest for dear life. I can't do this. He's never going to believe that I'm from a different reality. He'll have me put in a crazy house for sure. I'll have to find a way to prove my true identity. Maybe I can use some of the stuff Deaton taught me.

After being in the F.B.I for a while, I started to think of other things I wanted to do alongside my new profession. I eventually ended up asking Deaton if I could learn some Druid stuff so that I could help Scott. I've learned a hand full of things that have been proven to be useful so far. I'd do anything to help my friend. Heh, friend. That's definitely what I should call him after what we did the other day.

We did things that normal friends wouldn't do to one another. I keep trying to forget it all, but it's really hard to do that when I enjoyed it way too much. It was my fault it happened. I was over at his place and got a little too drunk. We started ranting about how life with our girlfriends isn't going as planned, leading me to drunkingly kiss him while we were lying on his bed.

I blame him for not stopping me, being he can't get wasted. I guess he liked my intoxicated lips more than I thought he would. You'd think it'd be a one time thing, but no. I miraculously remembered every vivid detail of the kiss and it made me envy Kira and Malia on the highest level. It was so good it made me want more. I just didn't think Scott wanted the exact same thing.

The next two weeks we kept kissing one another behind our girlfriends' backs. I know it's cheating, but we couldn't help it. The mysterious craving for one another was too strong. Unless we were at Scott's house, we never talked about what we did. Whenever we were out in public, I tried to keep my friend mindset active so I'd forget everything we do on our spare time.

"Stop being a creep and come watch tv," Tyler orders, making me jump. How the hell did he know I was here? That's some next level voodoo shit right there.

"Great job on the spook there Snoopy. Now why don't you sniff out the direction my heart went since you scared it out of my chest," I sassily state, not realizing what I said. He pauses what he's watching and glances back at me with a raised brow as well as a curved lip.

"Did you mistake me for Scott again?" He asks all smug. I roll my eyes, turn around, and walk back to the spare room Sc-Tyler is letting me stay in. My cheeks begin to boil as embarrassment washes over my body. I can't believe I just did that!

"I didn't mean to!" I yell back. I refuse to return to the place Tyler is. I don't want to face him after that little screw up. I can't believe I did that. I knew my smart ass mouth was going to get me in trouble one of these days, but I didn't think it'd make me a blushing mess.

"Oh, don't be like that. I know you didn't mean to," He replies with a laugh. I enter the bedroom and flop down face first onto the bed. My vision becomes limited due to my face being nuzzled into the covers, but I can assure that my hearing hasn't gone away. I can hear him walking his happy little tail my way, causing me to feel a bit blushy.

I can't do this. He's not my Scott, but he looks just like him. I'm going to have to hurry and find a way to get back home so I can be with my little wolf boy.

A/N: Has it really been over a month? Damn, I'm bad at updates XD

-FanFicForTheFace ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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