Chapter 8 :)

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My mind is bewildered at everything that is happening around me. Beacon Hills is real. It's right here in front of me, how is that possible?

"Stiles?" 'My dad' asks, making me snap my head up. Right now I'm in 'my room' and it feels unearthly. I am so use to this place being a set and the fact it's a real room is freaking me out. The only thing I can think to do to keep from drawing in suspicion is to keep acting.

"Uh, Yes sir?" I ask, nearly face palming. Stiles never says that unless he's in trouble. Now I'm going to get questioned by sheriff.

He walks over and places a 20 in my hand. I raise a brow while glancing between him and the cash.

"The pizza is almost here, but I just got called in to investigate a dead body that was found in the woods. I'll be back in a couple of hours, so make sure to hold down the fort," He informs me, giving me a slight pat on the shoulder.

"Bye, dad," I reply before he rushes out. I sigh and flop back on the bed. How am I going to do this? I miss my real family and friends. It's going to be hard to keep up this act without cracking or crying. Damn, I'm so screwed if I don't get everything right. How am I going to keep up with his school work and social life? The school won't be as hard, but that second part is going to be hell. I'm not who they think I am, so they are going to be furious when they find out.

Ding Dong!

"Shit..." I groan to myself. My body gets forced up to its feet, and I ponder how long I've been laying on the bed. With a quick glance at the clock, I can see I spent a mere five minutes. Not too bad, but man is my internal clock off. It only felt like thirty seconds.

I dart to the front door and open up the door to see Scott standing there with a pizza in his hand. I mentally scoff at the idea I'm about to have to act again. Damn if I'm not going to need a cigarette after this. Crap, I can't even do that here! It's not my body to be messing up! This is the worst!

I narrow my eyes at him and say,"Well you don't look like the pizza guy." He chuckles and nods.

"Yeah, but you should really check what address your dad has put in the next time you order online," Ty- Scott laughs. I step aside and motion for him to come in, which he happily does. As soon as the door gets shut behind him, Scott trots into the living room and places the pizza on the coffee table.

I realize what he means, causing me to burst out into laughter. I've never seen this happen before. Lind- Sheriff must have put in Scott's address instead of his.

"Oh, that just brightened my day," I cackle, moving over to the couch. I plop down on the sofa and glance up at Scott. He is gleaming down at me with a smirk that seems a bit too devious.

"Let me guess, wrong address?" He queries. I nod.

"Wrong address," I laugh, closing my eyes for a split second. I soon come to realize that is a mistake in itself. As soon as my lids shut, a hand cups my face and a pair of lips attach to mine. My eyes snap open to see Scott has taken it upon himself to close his own eyes and kiss me. Why is he doing this? Why is he kissing me? This isn't right! Scott and Malia are suppose to be together right now and so are Stiles and Lydia! Is everything in the show and this world different?! That's right, this is a real place, unlike the show we make. I could be missing some major context here.

"Mmm," Scott moans against my lips. He pulls away from me and opens his eyes once more to see my confused and blushing face. As soon as he notices my expression, his face drops. "What wrong?"

"Ah- gu- uh, nothing. I just don't remember some things and I- Uh- don't remember- that," I nervously state as my face gets redder, "It's not that it was bad! It was actually quite nice, but I'm just confu-"

"Haha, it's okay. That must have been so awkward for you," Scott says, looking as awkward as I feel. I shake my head and bite my lip.

"No, it wasn't that bad. It's far as I know, I've never kissed you before, so that technically was my first kiss with you," I explain.

"I see," He replies, looking away from me. He seems so sad now. Shit, this is all my fault. I need to fix this. Without thinking about what I am doing, I push Scott back on the couch and place my lips back up against his. He accepts the kiss and begins to move his lips against mine. What the actual hell, Dylan?! You are making out with a thought to be fictional character, who is also male! How in the actual ass are you going to get out of this one?! What the hell are you going to do about the Sciles ship being real!

You're going to keep doing what you've been doing. You are going to keep acting.

A/N: I'm not dead. 😂

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