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"Just Do The work so we can get outta here dang you always be the last one" I told KD.

We was in 5th Period and KD was the only one who didn't do the Exit Ticket So If he didn't do it we couldn't go.

"It's hard how am I supposed to know 125 devided by 5 Times 5" he tapped the pencil on the desk.

"I gave you the answer three times it's 875 just write it" I rolled my eyes. he gotta be Slow.it's no way.

"But I wanna figure it out by myself" He Said Causing half the class to sigh loudly.

I snatched his paper and wrote the answer and the bell rung.

"Here miss" I handed her me and KD papers walking out of the classroom.

I'm so ready to go home it's not even funny but today was a half day so It's going by fast.

"Yoooo" I heard Esha Yell From Down the hall.

"Yeoooo" I stopped waiting for her.

"I'm Wanna go home so we can get outta BR" she complained.

"I was just saying that,but lemme get to this next class imma see you at lunch" I told her and we split ways.

"Good afternoon Kalanee today we're just watching an elements video and taking notes" my teacher mr.watson smiled.

"Ok" I walked to the back where Miyah was already sitting.

"Wassup hoe" I mushed her head.

She looked mad.

"The fuck happened to you" I scrunched my face up as I took out my notebook and set my bag on the floor next to my chair.

"No cuz Ben got me in trouble now I got a Saturday" she rolled her eyes.

"How" I laughed.

"Ok we was standing outside the classroom and I was bout to go in But he was all over me kissing my face and shit and the teacher right there telling me to get in the classroom-

Mr.watson cleared his throat.

"Hold Up Sir Lemme finish telling her this" Miyah Put her finger up making me laugh.

"So She was telling me to come in the classroom and I kept tying to move from him but he was like "fuck the teacher"and she heard it so we both got saturdays for it" she shook her head and I shook mines too.

I started writing and felt my phone buzzing and I swiped over seeing that it was Kentrell Calling.

"Yea bae" I answered setting my book bag up on my desk and sat my phone up on it.

"I miss you" I saw him laying back on a bed.

"I miss you too,You at my house" I asked seeing my headboard.

"Yea" I saw the camera move.

"Who Let you in my Og" I laughed.

"Yea Her Fine ass" he licked his lips and smiled.

"NIGGA! Stop playing" I Said.I didn't even know I was loud until the teacher told me to shh and kids turned and looked at me.

"My bad mr.watson"

"It's ok just finish your notes" he nodded going back to whatever he was doing on his computer.

"Aye,Imma Call you back in 7th period after lunch" I told Kentrell.

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