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🖤Ch.9 :Watch Out For The Blonde Hair

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It'd been three days since Chresanto last saw Ebony and it didn't end too well. Christee, his ex-girlfriend, showed up and started some shit like calling Ebony a replacement and being extra. Not making it better, Santo let himself have wandering eyes, which didn't sit too well with Ebony, who then stormed out the building in an angry mood.

Since then, Santo had been trying to contact her, but she responded to none of his text messages, his call, dms, nothing. She was completely ignoring him. At this point, he knew that he tried to do something on his part, so now Eb had the ball in her camp. He wasn't going to run after her forever.

"Do you have any food in here ? " Kofi asked, looking through his refrigerator. The three friends were at Santo's apartment, chilling for a bit before it was time for each of them to take care of their individual business.

"No, I'm gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow though."

"Tomorrow ? But I'm hungry noooow ! " he whined, stomping his feet like a kid.

"If you don't getcho..." He smacked his teeth, checking his notifications on Twitter and Instagram. Somehow, he found himself creeping on Eb's page, again. When he liked a picture by accident, he left the app instantly, cursing himself in his mind.

"What are y'all wearing for the premiere ? " Elin asked as he turned the TV on.

Santo shrugged. "I don't know...clothes," he said, causing Elin to roll his eyes as he fanned him off.

"Hey, Santo, I'm gonna need a favor from you my man." Kofi broke the little moment of silence that set in as he sat on a bar stool and placed his plate on the counter, along with a bottle of water and a fork.

"Wassup ? " Santo asked, giving him his attention.

"The girl you're talking to, Ebony, right ? Remember her friend, that we saw at the club ? I'mma need her number."

Santo frowned a bit. "What exactly are your intentions with this girl ? Are you gonna treat her like all the other girls ? " he questioned, already smelling the drama that would come with this.

He didn't need his best friend to crush Ebony's best friend's heart. This would ruin all his chances with her, well if it wasn't already done. But even if they were going their separate ways, he was still not going to help his friend to play with somebody's feelings. The young woman did nothing to deserve that.

"Get that number for me first, then we'll see." 

"Nah." Santo shook his head. "You already know I don't support your fuckboy behavior, so no I'm not giving it to you."

Kofi finished chewing and swallowed the food he had in his mouth, as a frown formed on his forehead. "Are you that unknown girl's best friend or mine ? "

"It doesn't matter, I'm not helping you to play this girl. You already know how I feel about this bullshit, so I don't know what you thought was gonna happen. Go be a hoe with another hoe." 

"How do you know this girl is not a hoe though ? You already met her ? Talked to her ? Anything ? "

"No, but I don't get this type of vibe from her. And you know I always feel the vibes right with people."

"But you can be wrong this time though."

"Or be right, like I always am."

"Man, stop playing and get me this number ! Act like a true friend, it's bros before hoes."

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