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Chaeyoung's POV

"She told you?" I nodded. "So what if they're friends?"

"I'm just worried because I don't trust that jerk". I said it in a mad tone. "I asked her to stay away from him but she refuse and that was why I didn't want to talk to her". I added.

"You can't just tell her to stay away from him Chaeng. They're friends after all". She said and as I was about to say something but my phone vibrate.

I took it out and saw a text from Mina so I read it but I didn't feel like replying so I read it and just ignore it. Then few minutes later my phone vibrate again. It's still from the same person and I still ignore her text. Yeah I'm playing hard to get.

"Yahh who's that texting you and why are you ignoring it?" Jeongyeon unnie asked and look over at my phone.

"It's Mina but I don't feel like answering any of her text". She chuckle.

"Playing hard to get huh cub?" I just shrug then my phone vibrate again but this time it was a call from her and curse me because I accidentally press the accept button by mistake.

[Why aren't you replying to any of my text? And why is it so loud? Chaeyoung where are you?]. Should I tell her? Maybe not.

[Why are you calling me?] I asked in a cold tone.

[Duhh because you didn't reply to any of my text].

[Whatever so if you have nothing to say I'll hang up]. I hang up.

"So rude". Jeongyeon unnie said with a chuckle.

"What time is it?" I asked Jennie who is serving us drinks.

"2am". That fast? 

"Aishh unnie let's go back it's late and we have school tomorrow". I said and hop of the chair.

"Okay let's go get the others". I nodded and wave my hand at Jennie and she wave back and we walk to where the others are.

"Oppa can you help carry Tzuyu back to the car?" He nodded so he carry Tzuyu on his back and we walk back to Jeongyeon unnie's car.

He placed Tzuyu in the back seat with Dahyun unnie and hug us before he walk back to his car. Me and Jeongyeon unnie got inside the car and she drove us back home. Since it's late she'll stay at my place tonight. On the way back home we didn't talk because it's late and we're all tired. We arrived and Jeongyeon unnie carried Tzuyu to her room. I went to my room and change my clothes without showering because I'm awfully tired and have no energy to do so. I plopped down on my bed and close my eyes but woke up by the sound of my phone. I groaned and look at my phone. It was Mina again but I just reject her call. She then kept calling me nonstop even when I reject every single call. I gave up because I know she'll never stop if I don't pick up so when she call again I press accept.

[Yahh I called you like a thousand times why do you keep rejecting my calls and not replying to any of my texts?]. She started shouting and it actually hurt my ear.

[Stop shouting will you? I have ears for a reason and if this is the only reason why you call me I'll hang up]. Actually I wasn't planning to hang up like when I was in the club. I was just saying that for her to stop me.

[Chaeyoung-ah wait]. This time she didn't shout.

[What now?]. I asked in an annoyed tone.

[Are you still mad at me?] Am I? Yes.

[No why?]

[i know you're still mad at me Chaeyoung-ah. Look I know that you hated him but trust me we're just friends]. I didn't respond. [Don't you trust me?] I let out a sigh.

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