I Hate Not Talking To You

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No One's POV

Dahyun woke up and she knows for sure she's not in her room but due to the pain in her head she didn't open her eyes. She kept her eyes close waiting for the pain to just go away on its own but it never did. She opened her eyes slightly when she heard the door crack open.

"Yahh wake up you sleepyhead". Dahyun already know who that voice belongs to and she shook her head. "Yahh get up and eat this soup. It'll cure your hangover".

"Sinb-ah what time is it?"

"It's already 12 in the afternoon you idiot". Dahyun shot her eyes open and look at Sinb with wide eyes.

"Shoot I need to go back home. Jeongyeon unnie will kill me". She tried to get up but the pain in her head put her back down on the bed. "Dammit I hate hangovers and how the hell did I get myself this drunk? I don't even remember what happen before I pass out".

"Thankfully you didn't do anything weird. You just kept on drinking until you pass out".

Sinb helped Dahyun up so she can lean against the bedpost while Sinb feeding her the soup. And when she finished the soup Sinb took the bowl down and came back with a glass of water for Dahyun before helping the latter to lay back down on the bed.

"You can't go back like this. You can't even stand up straight so just stay here and rest. Yerin unnie will be picking me up later. I came back from school just to check on you so you need to listen to me got it??" Sinb talking like a mum and Dahyun laughs but stopped and frowned when her head started hurting.

Then the door crack opened revealing a girl. She smiled and walk in giving Sinb and kiss on the head and look at Dahyun.

"Did she eat yet?" Yerin asked and Sinb nodded. "I guess you made a hangover soup for her??" Sinb nodded again. "How are you feeling??" She asked Dahyun.

"I feel like my head is about to explode". Dahyun said rubbing her temples.

"Then just get some rest". She nodded and closes her eyes. "We're heading to school now okay?" She nodded again.

"You'll be okay by yourself??" Sinb asked worriedly and Dahyun scoffed. "What? I'm just asking cos there are many creepy ass dude out there. Who knows if one of them might come in and rape you??"

"Excuse me Sinb-ssi. I'm a black belter ya know".

"Yeah yeah whatever you say missy. Then we're going now. Make sure to call us if you need anything". Sinb said and stood up from the bed.

"See you later?" Yerin said and Dahyun gestured an okay towards her before waving for them to get out. The two laughed and went out not forgetting to lock the door.

"Aish now where is my phone". She sat up and look on the bed but it's not there and she found it just on the table next to the bed. "I regret getting drunk last night. Urghh I swear I won't drink that much again". She checked her phone and saw a few messages from Jeongyeon and Mark but one person's name caught her attention.

She opened it right away and read the message. It says...

'Do we really have to stay like this? I hate not talking to you. Can we talk?? Same place after school. I'll be waiting'.

She sigh and put her phone back on the table. She decided to not text back and rest because she's tired as hell and the pain inside her head ain't helping.

Momo's POV

I waited for her this morning but she didn't come to school. I texted her at lunch and waited for her reply but I got none. I asked her to meet at the same place where we went to on our first date but I don't know if she'll come or not. I always check my phone from time to time just in case she texted me but to my disappointment there was nothing.

We Are From Different Dimension Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora