Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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No One's POV

Mina ran quickly back inside and tried to look for the others. They weren't in the canteen and not in the class as well. She check every class but saw none of them. She decided to text Sana and ask where she is but bumped into someone cos she wasn't looking where she was walking and she was walking in a fast pace that made her fell on her butt with a small thud. She look up and was relieved that it was just Jackson. He offered her his hand and she accepted it. He pulled her back up onto her feet.

"Jackson-ah do you know where Sana and the others are?" He shook his head.

She sigh and thanked him. She walk pass him but he pulled her back. She look at him with a confused look on her face.

"I can bring you to where Chaeng is". Her face lit up immediately and nodded.

They both sneak out of school cos they don't want get caught by the security guard. They both made way to the parking lot to where Tzuyu's car is.

Being a gentleman he is he opened the passenger door for Mina and she smiled before thanking him and get inside. He pull out of the driveway and drove towards Chaeng's place.

They arrive in front of Chaeng's mansion and made their way inside. Mina went in first and look around the house but no sign of Chaeng. She went upstairs and check Chaeng's room but still no sign of her.

"Mina-ssi?" The room next to Chaeng's opened revealing Mark. Mina assumed he just woke up from his sleep cos his hair was messy and his eyes were half closed.

"Oppa". He gave her a small nod.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and step out of his room.

"I'm here to see Chaeyoung but I can't find her anywhere". Mark only sigh and then scratch his head. "Oppa is she not here?"

"No no she's here". He couldn't decide on whether to take her down there or just tell a lie but he can't since he just said she's here.

"Then where? I already look around the whole house but no sign of her". She said and Mark sigh again.

He decided to just bring her there cos if they don't made up now they'll never ever will made up since the two are both stubborn and surely none will give in first but he decided to ask her something before he bring her down there.


"Oppa drop the honorific. I'm not use to it".

"Alright alright Mina but I need to ask you something first". She nodded for him to go on. "Do you love her?" She have a confuse look on her face again from the sudden question. "I mean do you really love her?" Mark ask again with a serious look.

"Of course I do love her oppa". His expression then change and he smiled at her cos that's the only answer he needs to hear even if it's short but enough for him to not doubt her. The look on her face tells him that the latter does love his sister.

"That's all I need to hear. Now come with me I'll bring you to her". He walk off downstairs and Mina followed behind him.

Mina's POV

I  just followed behind him and went downstairs. We stopped when he saw Jackson.

"Hyung". Jackson said with a shy smile. Huh? I'm confuse. I never really see him smile like that and never have I ever saw him being shy.

Does he like Mark oppa? I can tell from his eyes that he does but I couldn't see Mark oppa's reaction since his back was facing me but I notice something. Oppa's ear turned red.

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