-¦- Chapter I -¦-

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"Seiichi Kayama! Get down from there! Dinner is ready!"
His mother furiously yelled to her 6 year old son, that had crawled up in a big tree.
The boy replied, and started to crawl down from the tall tree.
But a branch snapped beneath his foot, causing him to fall. His mother gasped, and ran over to catch her son, which she also did.
It was difficult to be a young single mother.
Once her son was safe and back on the ground, he said something that for some reason shocked her.
"Mom. I miss dad."

-6 years ago-
Nemuri Kayama.
A 14 years old girl, laying with her newborn in her arms. Next to her was the father. 29 years old, Enji Todoroki.
Nemuri did not want any of this. She was forced. Forced through quirk marriage.
And there she was now. In a hospital bed, with her first child. But even tho she was at such young age, she still felt some happiness.
It was a boy.
The child had her and Enji's blue eyes, and her black hair. Then with three birthmarks on the right side of his nose. Sort of making it look like a triangle.
He was beautiful.

"I want to name him Seiichi.." Nemuri told her husband, and looked at him.
Enji wasn't against it.
There he then was.
Their baby boy
'Seiichi Kayama'

Enji was a surprisingly good father to Seiichi, throughout the years. They seemed to have build a bond.
What Nemuri did not know, was that Seiichi had a bond to Enji. But Enji did not have a bond to Seiichi. Everything had been acting.

He had been acting for so long.
First when Seiichi turned four, his true side appeared. Enji got desperate. Desperate for when Seiichi's quirk would appear.


"Dad! Dad! Come play with me" Seiichi cheered and jumped excitingly in front of his father. Usually Enji would now had picked up his sun at held him in the air like if Seiichi was an airplane, or a flying superhero. but now, all Seiichi got as answer was; "Not right now. I am busy making plans" each time. Not even lifting his head from his laptop, to look at his own son. Therefore Seiichi began to stop asking his father to play, and started to ask his mother insitead.

"Mom! Do you wanna play?" Seiichi asked, still all happy but abit more desperately. Seiichi was standing with an all might plush, his mother bought him. "uh, yeah sure. Let me just finish making lunch" She smiled to the joyful boy.

Seiichi beamed and ran into his room, to wait for his mother, but four minutes turned into fourty. And fourty turned into an hour. Seiichi by then could guess, neither of his parents were gonna play with him then. Instead he then sat down by a small table, with some coloring pencils and started to make up a hero costume and name for him. For the future. Because he wanted to become just as big a hero as his parents.

 Because he wanted to become just as big a hero as his parents

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"I want my hero name to be Dabi. That sounds cool" He smiled.


Months went by. Before Seiichi manifested his quirk.

He was playing around with his mother, just throwing a small ball back and forth.

"Mom! throw a high one! I can catch it, I know it!" Seiichi jumped in joy.

"Aaaalright~ here it comes!" She stood in the opposite side of the garden. Nemuri threw the ball, just high enough for Seiichi to not be able to reach it. He jumped up for it to catch it and as he did, his palms began glowing dark red and fire shot against the ball. Causing it to burn to ashes. His mothers eyes widened and so did his own. They stared at the ashes for awhile and then Seiichi looked at his palms.

"I...I....... I got my quirk!" He cheered and beamed, super excited for his new power. This made him sprint into the living room where his father were.
"Daaad! I got my quirk!"
These special words made Enji jump up from the couch and run towards his son. He picked Seiichi up in his arms, happily. "What is your quirk my boy?"
Seiichi held his hands out
"I can make fire like you!"
He tried to make more flames with his palms, but were only able to make some small ones. Since he had no idea how to control it.
Since that day. The rough training began.

-Flashback over-

Nemuri crouched down to her son, her expression quite sad for what she was about to say.
"Seiichi.. sweetie. I am sorry, but you dad is not coming back"

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