-¦- Chapter VI -¦-

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[WARNING: This chapter involves rape]

The big man laughed by Dabi's screams.
"Its useless to scream little boy. No heroes will hear you. No one will come save you"

"L-let me go!"
Dabi kept going, now with tears that streamed down his cheeks from the pain of his scalp feeling like it was being ripped off.

It took some time before Dabi was put on to the ground again.
Dabi immediately curled up on the ground, sniffing but relieved, thinking the pain was over now. He held his head tight, until he got lifted up again but by his coat this time. He looked up to see it was not the same man as before. It was a woman now.

She did not throw a single glance at Dabi, before she entered a tiny apartment and then a bedroom inside the apartment. She put Dabi down and closed the door, locking it.
Dabi was confused. Why would they suddenly give him his own room? Were they going to keep him?
A sigh of relief escaped and he ran over to the bed, jumping inside the covers to be surrounded by the comforting warmth.
Dabi closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep, until a pair of knuckles cracked. The sound came from a corner of the bedroom.
"Finally I am getting what I paid for."
The voice said, as footsteps appeared and walked towards the bed.
Dabi thought nothing would happen if he pretended to be asleep.
But he was wrong.
He felt the man crawling underneath the covers, behind Dabi himself.
Dabi froze. What was this man going to do, and who is he?
His thoughts stopped when the man grabbed him and turned Dabi over to lay on his back.
"Listen little guy..we are going to have us some fun~"
Dabi did not respond and his eyes widened, looking down and saw the man unbuttoning Dabi's pants. At the same time the man crawled up to hover above him. Dabi's breathing quickened and he felt paralyzed. Why wouldn't his body move? His quirk would not activate either?

He looked up to the man's face. The man must've been at least 40 years old.
Could it be the man's quirk? Paralyze by touch?
It felt like Dabi's body was sleeping. But his eyes and mind was awake.

Suddenly Dabi's pants was pulled down, and the man's face became more creepy than it already was. He started drooling over Dabi for some reason.
Dabi's body trembled, from him fighting against the paralysis. But nothing happened.
All the frustration had made Dabi forget about his clothes. All that mattered was that he needed to get out. So Dabi did not notice how his lower body was half naked and his eyes pierced into the man's, filled with fear, when his legs got spread.

"Dont touch me."
Was what Dabi got out. But the man just laughed weirdly.

Dabi yelled out in pain when he felt something press inside him, and tears immediately pricked the corner of his eyes.
The pain went on and on, as the man started to penetrate Dabi.
All Dabi could was that pain and the tears now streamed down his face, with no stop button.
His screams did not help. No one came to safe him. No heroes.

He screamed out after some time when the man was doing what he was.
All Dabi wanted to do now, was to go home. Home to his mother. But he did not know where home was anymore.
Dabi had become a sobbing mess until he felt his arm move.
He could move again. The paralyze must have had a time limit.
He yelled out now from fighting spirit, as his fire appeared around this hand and Dabi slammed his burning hand up into the man's face and scratched down his cheek.

The man screamed and pulled out of Dabi.
"You little brat!!"
He reached out for Dabi once again but Dabi shot a cloud of fire towards the man.

"You little brat!!"He reached out for Dabi once again but Dabi shot a cloud of fire towards the man

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(Very small version of this)

That caused the man's body to set on fire and he backward off Dabi, and fell off the bed. Then he just rolled around in the floor to stop the fire.

Dabi grabbed his clothes and quickly pulled it on, before he opened a window and jumped out.
Now the tears started falling again as he ran away. Scared.

The sky had started to brighten up by now, which was a relief for Dabi. Daytime meant not as many villains like that.
When Dabi found his way out of the alleyways, right as he got out on the street he ran directly into someone. This caused them both to fall on to there bums with a thud.
When he looked at who he ran in to, he saw a small blonde girl. Maybe abit younger than him. Her hair went down to her shoulders, and her eyes was yellow.
She looked up at Dabi and noticed his tears immediately. This caused her to stand up and hold a hand out to him.

"Are you alright?"
She asked worried.
Dabi just stood up by himself, sniffed once and wiped his eyes while he gave her a nod. He was also slightly taller than her.

Her expression went from worried to cheerful as she held her hand out to shake Dabi's
"My name is Toga! Toga Himiko!"
She smiled bright.
Dabi was confused. She did not seem scared or grossed out by his skin. So he lightly shook her hand, responding with a quiet voice

"It is nice to meet you, Dabi! Would you like to be my friend?"
She kept on being so cheerful, and it made him even more confused.
Dabi wasn't really the one to believe friends was a real thing, anymore. But he just nodded again, to try satisfy her. As expected she beamed one again.
"Let's go play on the playground nearby! My mom is in a store buying food right now"
Before Dabi could say anything, she had started dragging him towards the playground.
Dabi still could not be more confused than he already was.

Why would a cheerful girl like her, want to play with a broken boy like him?

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