-¦- Chapter III -¦-

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The crackling noises. The noises created by the fire that covered him.
Seiichi could literally feel his skin getting eaten up by the flames.

Nemuri as a pro hero, for one of the first times in her life. Could not move her body in fear.
Not until he called out for her.


Her eyes widened even more than they already were. She ran over, to fill a pot with water. A minute later, she ran back to her son. And poured all the water on him.

The fire went out.
But Nemuri teared up, by how her little boy looked now.
Most of his skin was burned so badly. Black and red. And bloody.

Seiichi cried out to his mother. Cried about how much it still hurt. And begged her to make it stop some way.
The only thing Nemuri could think off were grabbing a towel, where she afterwards dragged Seiichi to the car. She played the towel out on the passenger seat, to make it abit softer for her son to sit on. Now when his whole body were in pain. It was also to suck up some of the blood.

She put him down on the seat, and ran over to the drivers seat. Entering it, and then drive off at full speed towards the hospital.

Seiichi kept complaining and crying all the way. About all the pain. It just hurt so much.

Once they got there, Nemuri dragged her son inside the big white building. She yelled for help.

"HELP! Someone! Please help my child!"

A nurse immediately heard the crying for help and looked over. Once she saw the boy she clicked on a button underneath the counter to call for assistence. Seiichi had trouble standing on his legs. They were trembling from all the pain. The nurse got a wheelchair and placed him down in it, then afterwards rolled him into a room where more doctors appear.

All Nemuri could do was follow and watch the whole thing. The doctors placed Seiichi in a tub with ice cold water. And his screams from the sudden coldness getting in contact with the burning hot skin, could be heard down the hallways. He got very uneasy, and tried to get out of the tub to escape more pain. Getting out of the tub now, would just make it worse, so a doctor gave him something to calm down on.

It took some hours to full cool down Seiichi's skin. Now he was laying in a hospital bed, with bandaids around most of his body. even around his face, except for nose and eyes. If he was hungry, there were a thin pipe attached into his stomach. Which would transfer some mush, filled with vitamins and proteins, into his stomach.

Nemuri sat next to the bed, holding is sore hand carefully. Seiichi had gotten some medicine for the pain, so he could not feel most of it. All he thought about right now, were that if his father saw him now, he would be even more disappointed than he already was.

Seiichi stayed at the hospital for a few days. His burn were that bad. But now it was time for him to go home.

"Are you ready?" His mother gently smiled, as she held the end of a bandaid, ready to take them all off in front of a mirror. All Seiichi did was nod, his expression seemed abit empty. Getting his approval to take them off, Nemuri carefully started to unwrap his body from the many bandaids. Nemuri's eyes widened in shock when all bandaids had been taken off, only to reveal most of Seiichi's body covers in now purple scars.

The skin from the scars were all wobbly and wrinkled, like skin on an old person. He teared up from the sight of himself. He looked like a monster. A hero would never look like this. This would scare everyone away from him. He kept scolding his new appearence as the tears began to fall silently down his cheeks.

His mother carefully hugged him.

"I am sorry this happened to you, Seiichi.. I am so sorry."

Afterwards they both drove home, and when they got there Seiichi took the hospital clothes off, to put on clean regular clothes. It was just a black tshirt and some shorts.  He looked into the small mirror on his bedroom wall. Just stared at the scars, and winced as he slightly touched them with a finger.

'The skin is just hanging...I look like a purple granddad' He thought to himself, right before he noticed a stapler on his desk. Maybe he could fix it up abit? just so the scars weren't to wrinkly. Seiichi grabbed the stapler and pulled the scarred skin up slightly, to tighten it abit. After that he placed the opening on the stapler on the edge of the scarred skin and the skin that survived the flames.

*click* it said at the same time as Seiichi yelped from the pain. He removed his hands and saw the stapled piece of skin.
It looked better like that. Right?

One by one, more staples went through his skin, and closed itself into his flesh. Thin streams of blood ran down from each hole. And a loud 'Ow' escaped his mouth, each time a new staple got through his thin skin.

First after the last staple, Nemuri who heard all the whining from pain, from his room. First after that she called for him.
"Seiichi..? Are you alright?"

Footsteps from bare feet, were heard walking down the stairs. Seiichi went to approach his mother in the kitchen.

She gasped and cupped her mouth, when she saw what her little boy had done to himself. Staples in his skin, at the edge of all the scars.
She was speechless. How could he have done that to himself.

His voice sounded broken.
And he plastered a smile on his face, while the tears and blood were running down him.

"Am I still your handsome little boy..?"

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