-¦- Chapter V -¦-

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"But Seiichi dear, how can you be disgusted by that name? It is a wonderful name."

Dabi grumbles and talked to the woman in a quiet but harsh voice.
"I told you. The name is Dabi. You better call me that, or I will burn you until even your bones are ashes."
The dark red flames appeared around on of his hands, while he just starred at it.
The elder looked at him in shock an fear. How could a child have a mind like that? All she could do was to keep up a facade with a smile.
"Alright, Dabi. Now put those flames out"

Dabi did so, but not because Mrs. Lorengi told him to. He just did not want to risk the skin on his hand getting burned, like the rest of the skin on his body.
Afterwards Dabi walked into the bedroom and closed the door in front of Mrs. Lorengi's face. Right as the door closed, he began to burn the bedroom walls. Making sure they did not catch on fire, but just turned black.
He then rolled the curtains over his Windows, so much light from the outside wouldn't get it. Then he just grabbed a thin blanket he had packed in his bag, and sat down on the floor in the middle of the room. Facing the door. He pulled his knees up to his chest and after that, wrapped the blanket around his body.
Like that, he sank deep in thoughts.

So, my dad left because I was too weak.
I was useless in his eyes.
An non-functionally item.
He used to be nice to me.
But then,
Mom used to be nice to me too.
But suddenly she did not want me anymore either.
Maybe after the incident with my quirk. She thought I was weak too.
She saw how useless I am.
So she did not want me anymore either.
Therefore she left me here. In this hole.
In this hole, where everyone pretends
to be nice. Pretends that they care about one another.
They are as fake as my parents.
Heroes are fake.
This place is fake.
Our whole world is fake.

One big lie.


Dabi spent three years on that orphanage.

Throughout those three years, his hate for the heroes had increased. And he got bullied for his scars.
This caused Dabi to literally kill one of the other kids at the orphanage.
The little boy had always pushed and hit Dabi. And made fun of the name 'Dabi'.

One day when Dabi was nine years old, the boy thought it would be hilarious to pull one of the staples out of Dabi's skin.
That was the boy's worst and last mistake. Dabi snapped.
He set the bully on on fire, and kept going with adding fire around his body. All until the flames disappeared, because they had no more surface to burn on.
The boy was now a black pile of ashes.

The employees did not know what to do with Dabi after that. Except an adult always has to be by his side that day. Even the adults argued about who's turn it were, to look after Dabi.

The worst of all was just,

Dabi felt no regret.
No regret at all for burning that boy.


Tonight. It had to be tonight.
Dabi couldn't take being there anymore. At the orphanage.
Everyone hated him, so why stay. If there was any adults that looked to adopt a kid, they always picked the cute ones. Not those that looked like Dabi. They were disgusted by those kids, and it always ended up with those kids to be the last ones picked.
So why stay here any longer, if he wouldn't end up being picked by anyone?
It was useless to stay.
He had to run away.

When the clock hit 12AM, the alarm went off. But the loud ringing noise were turned off only a second after.
Dabi did not want to wake up anyone else from the building.
His bag was packed, so now he was almost ready. He unfolded the curtains by the Windows, to reveal a star filled night sky together with the full moon that shined bright.

Dabi put on his coat and shoes. Together with gloves and scarf. It must be freezing outside by this time. He pulled the bag on to his back, and now blogs feet moved towards the window.
Dabi twisted the handle on the window, and placed his palms on to the glass. Then pushed the window open.
A breeze of cold midnights air, rushed into the room and hit against his face. It was freezing and sent chills down Dabi's spine, and but like he cared.
He crawled outside with his bag, and now ran towards the middle of the town. Did he know where to go? No. He just needed to get away.
Dabi's  speed slowed down once he entered some streets and he looked around, only to see no one at all. He expected to see at least one villain at a time like this, but he didn't.

The air was freezing. Soon cold enough for it to make Dabi tremble. He needed to find warmth.
Without knowing where he was, he entered an alleyway.
Dabi found a big trash container for cardboard. Struggling abit with his height, he eventually got out some cardboard.
The plan was to make a small fire. He couldn't just heat himself with his quirk. He'd set his clothes and maybe himself on fire.
Everything went alright until some deep voice appeared.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A little boy alone in the middle of the night."
A silhouette slowly came out from the alleyways darkness. It was big, very big, even bigger than a regular adult.
"Shouldn't you be in bed, little guy?"

"I- I am not little .. and I don't have a home"
Dabi just went with full honesty, not knowing what the man wanted.

"You got no parents that are looking for you?" The man seemed to have a smirk on his face.
Dabi just shook his head in response.
It made the man let out a laugh.
Then Dabi a scream, when he was lifted off the ground, held by his hair.

"Then you won't be missed."
Was the last words the man said before he walked off with Dabi.

Dabi Origin - Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now