-¦- Chapter VII -¦-

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Toga kept on dragging Dabi, not giving him a chance to protest. And before he knew it they were already there. Toga let go of Dabi's hand and ran over and jumped on to a swing.
"Come play with me, Dabi!"
She giggled loudly.
All he did was walk over and pushed her abit, to make her swing more. That was all he could think of. He hadn't played for real with other kids, before.
Toga kept going with her laughing and giggling. But Dabi didn't react to it. Is mind was on what happened just before he met Toga.
His body was used, at the young age of nine. He was bullied at the orphanage. His parents both left him, and they both were heroes.
In the other cases he had been in the need of a hero to save him. But no one had came. No matter how loud he yelled and screamed.

Dabi snapped back to reality when Toga's face was in front of his, their noses touching.
His eyes widened and he stepped back.
"You spaced out"
She said, still smiling. And just as she said that, a woman was heard in the distance. She called out for Toga.
"Thats my mom calling. So I will have to go now-"
Toga started to run off but stopped and turned around, looking at Dabi again.
"-Let's play together again one day!"
She beamed and then continued back towards her mother. Immediately, Dabi felt lonely again. He sat down on the swing Toga was on just a minute ago, and he just swung back and forth a tiny bit. His feet still being able to touch the ground.
What should he do now? Where should he live? How should he get food?
Dabi was all on his own now.
He got off the swing and walked further in to town. He needed a blanket. He needed sleep and food. He needed a lot.
He was a homeless now.
But Dabi would rather be a homeless, than live at the orphanage.

As he walked down the street, his anger and pain rose. Some people who seemed busy going to work, walked past Dabi and all their expressions got filled with disgust when they saw him.

When Dabi got to a store he walked inside and just looked around for some time.

"May I help you?"
A young woman smiles to Dabi.
Help him? An employee in a store wants to help him when he did not need it. Where was all the help when he did need it?
"Go to hell."
Was all Dabi responded before he turned around a corner, down an isle. To get out of her vision.

Dabi stopped walking when he saw a blue plastic box with something metal in it. He took the box, shook it and read it.
"Sti-..tches... stitches!"
He put a few fingers on the stables in his skin. They weren't sitting nicely, and his skin had grown to attach to it. This would hurt.
Dabi placed the box behind his back and walked up to the same employee as before, with a fake smile plastered on his face.
"I am sorry for how rude I was before. I have been in a bad mood lately. May I ask if I can use the bathroom?"
He could puke anytime, from the kindness that escaped his mouth.
The girl seemed to cheer up and smiled
"Of course you can! Follow me"
With that she walked out to the part of the store where only employees where allowed to go.
With Dabi trailing behind her.
Once they got there, Dabi quickly ran into the toilet and closed the door so she wouldn't notice the box he had.
He made sure to lock the door, and then turned to the mirror.

Dabi moved his hand up and across these years old staples. He thought It was weird that they had stayed all this time.
A staple slowly got grabbed between two fingers.

And pulled out with force.

A yell from the pain escaped Dabi's mouth and he immediately covered his mouth, for the employee not to hear. He held the hand over his mouth as tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, and as he watched the stream of blood ran down his cheek.

This little scenario repeated over and over, staple by staple got ripped out. By the time Dabi got to the last staple, his cheeks and hands were covered in blood and tears.
Then the last yell came out when the last staple got ripped out.

Dabi washed his hands and face, then stared at his reflection on the mirror. Without the staples his scarred skin were all wobbly and even more wrinkled than before.
His hands was shaking from the pain.
He reached out for the box of stitches, but it fell from the edge of the sink to the floor. Every single stitch were now spread across the bathroom floor.

Something in Dabi clicked, and a panic rushed over him. But it was not that the employee might had heard it.

Dabi fell to his knees and the tears down his cheeks appeared again.
As fast as he was able to he got the stitches back in the box one by one.
His breath was shaky, eyes widened with small pupils, in fear.
He let out a small chuckle without any reason and he just stared at the blue box.
Whispering to himself.

"Dont loose the stitches. I need them to be mommy's handsome little boy.
Yes that's it.
I am mommy's little boy.
I am mommy's little handsome boy.
She told me herself.
Mommy's little boy.
Handsome little boy.
That is me."

Dabi Origin - Boku No Hero AcademiaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz