-¦- Chapter IV -¦-

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Nemuri fell to her knees, and could not even respond to her son's question. The tears fell from her eyes too.

The smile on Seiichi's face faded by his mother's reaction. His expression got even more hurt.
He stomped in the ground and yelled at her.
"I am still your handsome boy!! RIGHT?!"
He was broken.

Nemuri flinched at his sudden yelling. And decided something. Something she probably would regret in the future. But for now.

The rest of the day, they did not say a single word to each other. Not even at dinner. Seiichi had wiped the blood away, since the bleedings had stopped. That left him with normal and purple scared skin. Stapled together in attempt to make it look better.

"Seiichi we are going somewhere today" Nemuri told him, but did not look at him. Which mother could not stand looking at her own son anymore?

He looked up to meet his mother's eyes. But they weren't even at him. They were starring into the table.

"Y-you will see when we get there." Was all Nemuri answered before she stood up from the table and began to wash the dishes. Afterwards Nemuri told Seiichi to pack his stuff.
He was still as confused as before. Why did he have to bring his stuff?


Seiichi brought his small bag over and and in on the backseat of the car. And afterwards entered the car and sat on the front passenger seat, as his mother entered on the drivers seat. The mechanics in the car started roaring, before calming down abit and the car started moving.

They drove for what felt like ages, which had caused Seiichi to fall asleep. Nemuri glances at her son and felt a pain in her chest for what she was about to do. But she just couldn't take care of him anymore. She did not know what to do with him. The boy stapled his own skin, and had refused to take the staples out again. What is up with that?

When the wheels could be heard that they now drove on gravel, Seiichi's eyes opened.
Then the car stopped.
Seiichi looked around to see where his mom had taken him. All he saw were several buildings, a playground, laughing, crying and screaming kids and then some adults.
Both got out of the car. Seiichi with his bag.
Only to be greeted by a kind of old lady. Nemuri stood behind Seiichi, and played a hand on each of his shoulders.
"Here he is..Dont get taken away by his scars. He was in an accident lately." It sounded like she was gonna cry.
"Do not worry, Kayama. We will take good care of him. And I hope you know if it is right to take this choice"

Seiichi looked at the woman in confusion. Take good care of me? Am I going to stay here? Will mom be here too?
The thoughts started to fly around in his head, until the hands on his shoulders turned him around. He now faced his nearly crying mother, who was Crouched down to his height.

"Listen. Seiichi-"

"Mom what is going on?"
He could not stand being this confused, and he did not know any of these people.

"Mother can not take care of you anymore. So I am 'handing you over' to these kind people. They will take care of you in a way I can't. And who knows? Maybe you even get a wonderful new family."
Nemuri could not hold back the many tears that now had begun streaming down her face.

For Seiichi, he were already crying from the first sentence. The words his mother just said, hit him like a truck. And his reaction was different from what a regular child's would have been.
All he did was standing there. Lost in thoughts. His eyes had lost its shine and he was starring out into nowhere.
Nemuri noticed this and the unexpected silence and started to shake Seiichi, and calling out for him. It was like he was in another world.
Even tho Seiichi was just like a standing dead person. The tears fell silently. And kept going. Caused by his realization.

Mom ... She does not want me anymore

Just like dad.
Dad thought I was useless.
Mom does not want to take care of me anymore. Mom does not love me anymore. Dad does not love me anymore.

Heroes take care of others, right?
What kind of fake heroes are my parents..?
Just throwing everything that cause trouble, away....That is not real heroes.

Finally, after that, Seiichi 'woke up' again. He looked up to his mother, with those death looking eyes. Nemuri looked at him in shock.

"Maybe..I should take Seiichi inside now" the elder lady said, while she took a few steps forward. Nemuri just nodded, before she cupped her son's face and kissed his forehead.
"Listen, Mother loves you, alright Seiichi? You're still my little boy"


Was the only word he could think of at this moment.
The elder stood with a hand on his shoulder, as his mother drove off.
Left him. When she was gone, the lady faced Seiichi.
"Hello, my name is Marii Lorengi. But you can just call me Mrs. Lorengi"
She gave him a kind smile of his. He couldn't stand it.
After a minute and still no response from Seiichi, she spoke again.
"Now what about we go inside, and get those staples out of your skin. It must hurt to have them in there"
She lay a hand on his black and as soon as they began walking towards the unknown buildings, Seiichi responded.

"No. The staples stay."

Mrs. Lorengi got quite shocked and confused. She had never met someone who wanted their own skin stapled. Especially not a six year old.

As soon as they entered the first building, they were met by several kids in there. All of them ran around and touched each other, saying 'tag'.
Their game stopped once they saw Seiichi, and the whispering happened immediately.

' Why is his skin like that's

'it looks gross'

'It looks scary'

'It looks weird'

Of course Seiichi wasn't deaf. So he heard all the whispering about him. Mrs. Lorengi walked with Seiichi towards an empty bedroom. On the way, Seiichi was still thinking about everything.
They arrived by the bedroom door, and Mrs. Lorengi opened the door, to reveal a one person's bedroom. Everything was the color white, and it was completely clean.

"Here is your new room, Seiic--"

"Do not call me by that name. It disgust me."
He did not even throw a glance at the adult.

"From now on I go by 'Dabi'."

His wished hero name became his new identity disguise.

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