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I play with my food with my fork, pushing the rice around in small circles. 

"Peter, how was your day at the hospital?" Papa asks and I take a small nibble of yellow rice. 

"Oh! I received news on my last Project Kaleb implant which was placed in patient number 10. The doctor on his case says he's already shown great improvement and his symptoms have significantly improved." My older brother states proudly and pushes his glasses up while taking a bite of food. 

"That's wonderful Peter. We should celebrate." 

Of course, let us celebrate the golden child, the great seventeen-year-old Peter Grayson.

 I stab my pork chop angrily, but it goes unnoticed.

 "Pierce, what about you?" Mama asks slowly going down the table. It was a Friday night and I wanted nothing more than to put on my Next Gen suit and get out of here. 

"Nothing much, just created a new explosive that's set to target only hostiles. I'm still working out a few kinks though." He sighs.

 Of course, Pierce, the master chemist. 

He may not be much of a genius in comparison to his identical twin but he has his own list of accomplishments that can't be forgotten.

 "What about you Shawn?" Papa looks at me, 

"Oh, um today I..."

My younger ten-year-old brother Luke explodes out of his seat.

 "Mama! Papa! Today the tutor said we're going to go study in Spain next week!" 

The conversation quickly turns to the next set of twins, Enrique and Luke, and their exciting week-long homeschool trip to Spain for their language and international politics class. I groan as the conversation moves forward and I'm skipped entirely.

 And yet again, I'm left feeling like a complete outcast in my own family.

 I let out a depressed sigh as I walk back to my room. 

Only to be pushed to the side by Enrique and Luke who were running to back to their room to start packing. 

I didn't even get an apology. 

I was the invisible Grayson.

*No, I am not Shawn, it just fit. Lmao. 

My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now