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 "Who taught you how to dance like that?"

Papa laughs the next day as I lean against the stone pillar and play with my labrador retriever puppy, Darcy.

"Was I that good?" I ask as I throw the stick and Darcy runs to get it. She's a  sweet natured chocolate lab with bright green eyes and a lust for life.

"I would say you did just fine. Now I know we haven't really had much time to pay attention to you but I hope Darcy will keep you company so you don't get too lonely."
Papa says and I felt like I was going to cry.

"I love you Shawn, don't forget that even though you're in the middle you're still an important member of this family." He says as he gently grabs my shoulders and hugs me.

I say nothing as I hug him back.

Although my parents sometimes skipped over me and I often felt invisible, I never once doubted their love for me.

"You're growing up so fast."

He whispers and kisses the top of my head.

My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now