A single Rose

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I wake up in the hospital.

 An oxygen mask covering my mouth as I take in a deep breath. Confused I look over to see my arm had a constant IV pumping through it. I start to struggle but an arm gently rest on my shoulder. 

"Shhh...it's okay Shawn. Calm down." I look up to see my brother Peter looking down at me. He sits down on the side of my bed and I reach up with one arm and rub my eyes. 

"Where am I?" I ask and he has me follow a small flashlight. 

"You're in the hospital. It's April 10th. You've been in a medically induced coma for five days." Peter says and checks my pulse.

 "You're body gave out on you from the massive lack of calorie loss. We almost lost you buddy." He says as he pats the top of my head.

 I take it in slowly and process it. He reaches behind me and grabs a small water bottle,

 "here take a few sips at least. You have a feeding tube due to malnutrition but we should be able to take it out soon. You'll only have a small scar on your stomach." He says and I groan while taking a few sips of water, my throat was so dry I felt like I was swallowing cotton. 

"Everyone's been taking turns visiting you. Even Soren which shocked even me." Peter says as he checks my feeding tube. 

"Really?" I ask in shock. It felt like I was asleep for only a few hours, not five days. 

I put down my water bottle to find a single blue rose. 

"Who's this from?" I ask as I pick it up and look at the rose, turning it in my palm.

 "Someone else came to visit you every single day." He says as he checks off the chart. 

I feel the light blue petals in my fingers.

 "Who? Do I know them?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"I guess you'll see for yourself. Their waiting outside the room right now." He says and I look at him confused. Why was he being so cryptic? Typical Peter. 


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