Under Fire

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I pull my hoodie up to cover my face as I jog from Grayson Towers through downtown Bridgeport in the middle of the night after a long day of dealing with foreign affairs.

I whistle against the wind, excited to go home and take a nap, since it was Next Generation's Hunter division's night to fight.

"Darcy, stay close." I warn my trusty side kick as she keeps my pace without needing to be leashed. Her adorable pink and black winter jacket keeping her warm with the jingle of the tags on her collar bouncing with our steps.

The breeze feels so good against my face as the stress starts to melt away and the sounds of the city slowly vanish.

Tomorrow was the night.

The night Luna finds out who I really am.

Just thinking about it sends a wave of nerves through my body. I can't stop her fron find out. She's been waiting for this since we were five years old.

But I'm forced to brace myself for the disappointment when she peels of my mask and finds out I'm just the middle Grayson. The one often forgotten about.

I wouldn't even be surprised if she didn't know who I was.

I turn down a small ally as a shortcut and jog straight through without problems. Turning onto the next busy street.

A scream suddenly grabs my attention and Darcy's ears perk up. I turn to the alley behind me and Darcy starts to growl, her tail between her legs.

"Darcy sit." I tell her but she refuses my commands as she stars to walk toward the alley and I follow her. Prepping for a fight.

In the alley a man pins a young girl against the wall holding her mouth while he tries to take off her shirt as she cries. I rush forward into the man, knocking him to the ground and kick him, sending him flying into the wall. Darcy growls and viciously attacks the man, until he pulls out a gun.

"Darcy back!"

I rush forward and try to grab my baby but it was too late. The bullets fired and a faint whimper escapes Darcy as she falls to the ground.

"Darcy!" I scream and drop to the ground, holding my baby girl as the man quickly gets up and runs away. "Darcy!" I scream as I look into my puppy's eyes and watch as her eyes as she looks up at me confused. I feel her jacket to try to find the bullet but the sirens in the distance interrupt my search.

My face gets slammed into the cop car as the police officer snaps the handcuffs on my wrist.

"Tell them I didn't hurt you!" I scream at the girl who looks at me in shock, unable to say a word.

"I'm innocent I swear!" I yell but the cop continues to read my rights as he scans the Identification chip in my wrist.

"I knew your face was familiar. Shawn Rupert Grayson. This is going to be good," He shoves me into the police car and I look back in the alleyway.

"Just please, my dog. Don't leave her there," I cry and a paramedic looks back in the alley but I lose sight as the car pulls away and break down into tears.

My heart was shattered.

My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now