Fate is Sealed

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"Are you sure you want to go?"

Jonathan asks as we get into the car. "No, but I don't have much of a choice. I'm going to support her no matter what." I sigh.

"Maybe you can be her mistress." Pierce snickers and Jonathan gives him a look.

"What? It's an option." He shrugs off his older brother's glare and I sigh as I look out the window.

"At least they're the same age. Imagine if she was marrying some old man instead of you," Luke says and Pierce gives him a fist bump. I wish they would just shut up.

I felt a gloom wash over me as we walk across the light blue carpet and into the church. There was only a mild excitement in the air.

No one particularly liked our young queen's marriage, but no one liked war with Japan either.

Although we were a fairly large island, our military was nothing compared to theirs.

We reach our reserved seats in the front row facing the aisle Queen Leilani was to walk upon.

"Shawn," Papa calls my name and gives me a look.

"Don't worry, I've got him." Peter hops over next to me with Joseph. We were all wearing matching morning coats with our Grayson family crest emblazoned on the pocket.

"Really papa? Out out of the ten of us Shawn would be the least of your concerns." Soren says while pushing his unruly red hair to the side. Mama reaches over and tries to lay it flat but it keeps curling up.

The ceremony begins and I can already feel my heart ache.

The Queen walks down the aisle in a dark purple ball gown made of the finest siks with her golden crown glittering in the light. She was gorgeous as always which only makes my heart ache more. I had grown up with her and watched her turn into the strong woman she is today. I loved her with every part of my very being but we would never be together.

And I could never love anyone else.

She walks past us and I eye her carefully, waiting for the slightest head tilt, the flick of an eyelash, the curve of her lips, anything that would indicate she wants me instead.

It should be me up there, saying those vows and promising to love her for the rest of my life.

I would risk my entire family's reputation to be with her.

But instead she walks past, as if she doesn't know me, as if she doesn't see me, as if I'm invisible.

I feel like I'm about to collapse.

I try not to show the emotion in my face but I feel like the air was kicked out of me.

Finally we're allowed to sit down again. "Shawn you're really pale," Peter whispers and I try to come back. I can't focus on the words they say. All I keep thinking is that should be me, but I stop myself.

No, she's married now.
Clearly she loves someone else.

I would never be the...

"I do,"

The King of Japan says as he looks Leilani up and down with the eyes of a pervert instead of a husband.

I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.

The priest turns to Queen Leilani As she stands tall, with his hand in hers.


She trembles a little and every single person in that room holds their breath.

I feel a gentle pinch as Peter slips something into my palm.

Queen Leilani turns and scans the crowd, in only mere seconds her eyes meet mine.

I give her a small nod. Letting her know that I support her in her decision.

I was ready to accept my fate.

"I can't,"

At the words she starts running and I hop over the barrier separating me from the aisle. Loud Gasps fill the church but I block them out as I hold out my hand and she takes hold of it.

The shock and energy running through both of us as we start running. No words were needed. At brief glances I could see her beautiful smile which spoke louder than words.

The people crowded outside stare at us confused at first. But once they realize what's really happening there are cheers and screams for joy.

But then again how do you run away with the Queen of an island ON AN ISLAND?

I look down at my free hand to see I was still gripping what Peter slipped in my hand. Finally pulling away from the crowds I read the note.

"Pills cancel drones, Walsh." taped to the note where two small capsules.

"Shawn please tell me you have a plan," Luna giggles and I hand her a pill.

"I don't but apparently my brothers do. Here take this. It will hide us from the drones." She gulps down the pill without a seconds hesitation and I pull her into a small alley.

"Now to my brother in law's garage."

My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now