Final Destination

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We are met at the airport by mama and papa who toss us matching black hoodies.

"Oh this isn't suspicious at all."

I laugh as I look at myself in the mirror. Mama laughs and hugs Leilani and I.

"Oh, I wish nothing but the best for you two and I'm so happy things came out this way." She says. I gently kiss her cheek and she pulls away from us.

"Thank you guys, for everything. Tell the rest of the caravan that I said thanks too," I say and papa laughs.

"Why don't you tell us yourself!"

I look around to see my eight brothers and two sisters standing behind us.

Peter lands his drone that had been keeping an eye on us and takes off his headset.

I was speechless.

Luna grabs a hold of my hand and I hear a choked out sob. I turn to see she had burst into tears,

"You are all such beautiful, kind, and compassionate people willing to help your brother run away with a girl you don't even know. I will forever be in debt to the Grayson family as long as I shall live. I'm in such a state of disbelief after growing up with no relations to my name, that I am blessed enough to join this incredible family."  Luna speaks for both of us and bows along with me.

Then my family pounces in hugs and welcomes.

"Where too?"

I ask Luna as she snuggles her head on my lap in the private jet. I gently comb my fingers through her silky brown hair as she starts to fall asleep.

"Anywhere but Japan."  

My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now