Deux 2

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Jaeden's POV

I reached the end of my journey when I was walking through a forest. I had no idea where I was, or what time it was. I lost track of time a long time ago. I suddenly reached a road with a sign. It said "Welcome to Derry!". So this was going to be the town where I'll start over?

I was walking through the streets of Derry. The streets were completely empty, but it was a Tuesday morning, so everyone was either at work or at school. "Hey! You! Why aren't you at school?" A boy with curly hair asked me. He looked about my age and actually seemed nice. Behind the boy I just met, stood two boys. One was short and the other one was tall and had dark, curly hair. "Why aren't you at school?" I responded. "You're right. Do you want to hang out with us? I have never seen you in Derry before, so I'm assuming that you're new? By the way, I'm Wyatt and that are my friends, Finn and Jack." He pointed at the two boys as he introduced them to me. "I'm Jaeden and yes, I'm new and I'd like to hang out with you guys if that's ok." I was actually really nervous talking to him, I'm not really a social person. Or maybe I was just nervous because Wyatt's really cute. Wait... What?

This chapter is so bad help

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