Huit 8

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Jaeden's POV

I heard my phone ring. I pulled it out of my backpack and read the notification. It was a message from a friend I hadn't seen in ages.

His name was Noah and the last time I saw him was three years ago, before he started going to his endless therapy sessions. Yes, therapy. Noah was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It got so bad, that he tried to kill himself multiple times. Then his parents sent him away, so he could get better. My friends and me, we weren't allowed to visit him. At first, it felt like everything completely changed after Noah left, but soon everyone kind of moved on. As everyone moved on, our friend group slowly broke apart. While all my old friends found new people to hang out with, I depended on my group of fake friends. I just didn't want to be the loner at our school. But being a loner would have probably been a better choice.

But why did Noah text me? After three years? Maybe he came back?

Noah: Hey... We haven't seen each other or talked in years

Me: I thought you forgot about me

Noah: How could I forget about my best friend??

Me: Everyone else forgot about me, so I figured you moved on too

Noah: What do you mean with everyone? What about Sophia, Gaten and Millie?

Me: They are friends with different people now

Noah: Oh
Well, I'm coming back so you won't be alone much longer

Me: Too late

Noah: Too late for what?

Me: I left the town a couple of days ago

Noah: So you ran away?

Me: Yeah, I couldn't take it anymore, you know?

Noah: I understand

Me: So...
If you still want to meet up
I'm in a small town called Derry rn

Noah: I'll talk to my parents and see if they're ok with me visiting you

Me: 👋🏻

"Who are you texting babe?" Wyatt asked as he pulled me close.
"Oh, just a person who I used to be friends with before he tried to kill himself."
"I'm confused. Care to tell me what happened to him?"
So I told him. All of it. From the day Noah tried to hang himself to the time where and friend of mine, Millie and me found Noah unconscious in his bed with his wrists cut open.
"Wow." Wyatt had tears in his eyes after I told him about Noah.
"So after three years of therapy, he is coming back? And he wants to see you?"

Sorry for not updating yesterday!


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