Chapter Ten

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Let me know who else you guys want photos of. I think that all that's left are Drew and Kyle, so I'll dig one up of them.

Vtttt. Vtttt. Vtttt.

I groan, reaching over for the vibration of my phone. I hit the green button and rest it against my cheek, shifting my head on the couch.

"What?" I mumble, forcing my eyes open to peer at the clock.


"Caseyyyyyy!" Delaney yells. I can hear loud music in the background. "Stop kissing me, Travis! I'm on the phone!"

"Del." I mumble. "What do you want?"

She's clearly drunk. I hear her giggling.

"I'm drunk, Case!" She says loudly. "I'm so drunk!" I hear a crash, and then laughter. One of the laughs sounds like Tyler's. "I cracked my phone when I fell!" She whines.

"Shut your legs." Travis says. "You're showing off your cootie, and that's mine."

"I need a driverrrr!" Delaney whines.

I sigh.

"Why can't Travis drive?"

"Drunk." She giggles.




"Who the hell is Drew?" She mumbles.

"Tyler's brother." I say.

"Oh! That guy! Psh! Drunk!"

"A taxi?" I ask again.

"And leave Tyler's truck?" She asks. "No. Please? I'll never try to trick you into-" she hiccups, and then burps. "Talking to Tyler again. Promise."

"Yeah right." I mutter.

"Ty! You dumb fuck! You can't drive!" Travis yells in the background.

That's enough to have me on my feet.

"I'm on my way. Send me your location."


The line clicks. Rubbing my eyes, I push myself off of the couch and call for an Uber. I still have on my black skinny jeans and my red long sleeve shirt. My hair is a mess, so I run a brush through it and put on socks, and then my brown boots. I pull a white Oceanside, CA sweatshirt over my red long sleeve shirt. I brush my teeth and then my phone vibrates to notify me that my driver is here. I grab my wallet, keys, and phone, slipping out of my apartment. I'm on the second floor but it's ice cold in here because it's still outside. I lock the apartment door and walk down the stairs, nearly slipping on the last one from the snow there.

I walk to the red Hyundai Accent parked outside and get in.

The driver doesn't ask me why I'm going out at three in the morning, he just drives.

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